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Edited by TheParagonYT: 2/17/2015 12:08:49 PM

[Guide] Flawless Raider and Tips & Tricks

[url][/url] Let me start off by saying that achieving the Flawless Raider was one of the most heart - pounding experiences in the game or in any video game. It is not for the inexperienced or the faint of heart. We were trying Flawless on Crota for about an hour, and then most of my team wanted to go to VoG and try that. We ended up going back to Crota and beating it in about 30 minutes. Here are some of my tips to unlock this elite achievement: 1. Run Crota's End, Not Vault of Glass This greatly reduces the time investment needed to do this. If someone dies at Deathsinger, no big problem. You can get back up to it in 15 minutes. However, if someone dies at Gatekeepers/Atheon on VoG, you have about another 30-45 minutes to get back to your previous progress. 2. Only accept people with a 2000+ Grimoire score I know this sounds very elitist, but in MOST cases it will save you a lot of trouble. When I was looking for a group, I invited a guy that said he was experienced, only to find out his Grimoire was 1500, was a Christmas noob, and was wearing a blue helmet. I know this rule doesn't apply for every situation, but is a good general rule of thumb. 3. Make sure everyone has a mic I cannot stress enough the communication is key to survival and success. I think it is pretty self explanatory. 4. Make sure every raid member has maxed guns (unless you have , for example, Mida Multi Tool for the Abyss portion) If they cannot take the time to max out their guns, they don't belong in the group. Once again, I know this sounds pretty elitist, but really. You need some dedicated folks to raid with, right? 5. Take your time in between stages, discussing plans and strategies for the next encounter You are attempting a FLAWLESS raid. There is absolutely no room for error, so every member must understand the strategy for each encounter perfectly. 6. Do not use rockets unless you want to call out every time you use rockets. Please just stick to machine guns unless you want to say, "Look out, I'm firing a rocket," each time you shoot a rocket to prevent any body from jumping in your way. (Crota is the only exception, to take down his shields) Those are my 6 tips for success. Now, I'll guide you through the process of running Crota flawlessly. Forming the bridge: As usual, run on to the plate and form the bridge. Please, don't try to be cool and jump before the bridge is formed and fall and die. Jumping down into the Abyss: This is the single hardest part of the raid, as we constantly had people dying by landing on top of each other. I read another Reddit post saying the fall is about 20 seconds, so I recommend jumping individually about every 3-5 seconds. That gives the person that hits the bottom before you enough time to move out of the way. When you hit the bottom, run to one of the rocks on the side. Abyss: Preferably, you have 1-2 hunters that can run the Abyss solo (or duo). Why two? It just provides more covering fire when forming the bridge from the ogres. Hunters, run through with max agility and all of your invisibility perks on (even better if you have Mida). Get to the end, start the plate, and jump up on to the rock next to the lamp to get your darkness down. As soon as your weight is at zero, double jump to the rock on the right (looking towards the tunnel/bridge) and crouch there. When the bridge is formed, book it into the tunnel of light. When you teleport to the bridge, you might hear "Guardian down" but it's just a bug. Bridge: It is best to do this legit. Determine your order of players. It would be preferred that two hunters and a titan go across first. Hunters can invis and titans can pop a bubble when forming the bridge for the remaining on the other side. When 3 are across, everyone on the starting side needs to go back up to spawn point to avoid being swarmed by thralls. Make sure you kill your Gatekeepers. Once all 6 are across, the entire team should kill the 1-2 wizards that spawn and instantly move to the right side and focus all fire on that ogre. Call out if you need help. Once the right ogre is down, move to the left one and take him down. Congrats! You finished the bridge! Thrallway: This part is what caused me to die, unfortunately (which resulted in large groans from my team mates. Stay in the first room and take down the first shrieker, which should be followed by a Defender Titan popping a bubble. Stay inside the bubble until the death blast is gone (if you don't have a Defender, quickly run out of the room, down the stairs, and hide on either side of the bridge). Now, kill a few cursed thrall and take down the second shrieker, followed by another bubble or frantic running. Now, just run and stay up high away from the thrall to jump down into the pit. Deathsinger: We thought this would be the hardest part, but it actually went very smoothly. Split up into two teams of three as always and have one person from each side draw out the wizard while the others are moving to the boomer towers. As soon as the wizards come out, hit them with sniper rifles. (Side note: Abyss Defiant works really well here) Have one person from each side go in with a heavy machine gun to down the shrieker, which once again should be followed by frantic running. Once both shriekers are down, clear out some of the boomer knights inside, and proceed to walk inside and snipe the Deathsinger. Once she is dead, run out and snipe the adds from the boomer towers. Crota: The easiest part. Have a good swordbearer, hopefully a bladedancer hunter although not needed. Clear out the crystal rooms and run to the left side. Have your swordbearer run to the right, and then make his way to the left with the Chalice. NOW is the only time to use rockets, but still be cautious. Have 1-2 people on boomer duty while everyone else takes down the swordbearer. Have your sword holder pick it up, jump on the left rock, and crouch. Do not fire rockets until the sword holders command. When he/she tells you to fire, do as such as the sword holder should be getting in 3 hits at a minimum. Down him again when he isn't immune, get 3 more hits, and run back into the crystal room. Snipe boomers and have just a few people working on the swordbearer until Crota returns to mid. Now repeat this process, and get that sweet, sweet achievement of Flawless Raider. I hope my guide helped you to achieving the elite status of Destiny. Now brag to all of your friends about how much of a life you have :) Stay beautiful, Guardians. [EDIT] Forgot to add that r/Fireteams and a Flawless Raider Team Finder on these forums are greats ways to get a group. [EDIT] Took the rockets out of the Deathsinger. Was late at night when I wrote this, thanks for pointing that out, Colin. [EDIT/Side Note] Share this link with your friends on Reddit, trying to help as many people as possible. Same article, just for Reddit. [url][/url] Sweet! Front page of trending! Thanks! 200+ comments? Let's keep it going!

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