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originally posted in: Lock
2/18/2012 4:14:00 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] chubbz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] IRISH 249 Completely uncool. You should know better than to come off like that. OP - thanks for the interesting thread. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] chubbz Then go annotate the better quality 3D map.[/quote][/quote] Come off like what? Telling the OP that there is a [url=]better quality map[/url] than this? Why? It's the truth. The only difference is that this one is 'annotated'. I just don't see the need for two different threads in two completely different forums discussing almost the exact same thing. [/quote]1. That map doesn't have the words that were put in by Bungie onto the original map. The "Puerto drin", the "Fresh water", the "Scale 40000" are all not present on the 3D map. 2. The point of this thread is to discuss the words put on the map by Bungie. 3. Your argument is invalid due to a lack of research and understanding.

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