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originally posted in: Solution to carrying over gear
Edited by DEZARATH: 7/24/2014 5:01:46 PM
I find it really laughable that some have to consider everything a race. When I started the Beta I was day behind. Level 8s were already at my favorite farming site where I could begin leveling. They killed all my kills. So instead of standing there crying about it I just walked into a dark zone and walked right back out. They were gone and I was alone to do my business. I don't care about level 30s or level 28s walking around before I get there. Besides that Bungie has already stated only a minor emblem was crossing over. Maybe stats. I don't expect anything of visual worth to cross save a avatar hoodie at best like Reach's beta. So basically these posts trying to stop beta gear from carrying over are made by individuals to worried about themselves in the Crucible. That they feel they need to head off everyone else just incase some ten year old in awesome armor sits on their dead body while they watch from a kill cam.

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