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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update
4/7/2007 11:56:42 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Roadus u could have just kept working and checked it all out on [a] lunch break or [at] a netcafe, noone here is a mind reader noone knows what your doing to post on the forums. Also I am 100% H0M0$EXUAL. Does anybody have any KY Jelly???[/quote] Okay well... 1) When you get out of the fifth grade, you'll need to start spelling "no one" with two words. (no+one≠noone) B) Thanks for the hug Abandonship, my goldfish just died, so I really needed that. Hope your shower had a 'happy ending.' III) Roadus, I got it! I'll go to the 'net café' for the internet and you can go to my 'asscafé' for lunch. Hurry! Today's special is turd soup served at a piping hot 98.6 degrees! Open up and say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! 4) Roadus, I think the quote I selected from your earlier posting really shows that you may need some therapy......put down your potato chips and your Xbox 360 controller, break up with your boyfriend, forget about the KY Jelly, and run -don’t walk- to your nearest shrink....Next time Roadis, try to be a little more understanding and a little less douche baggy...noone likes a douche bag Roadus.....noone. Your Buddy, M. Power. ps PANTS RULE!!! [Edited on 04.07.2007 4:02 PM PDT]

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