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11/29/2012 5:03:40 PM

Your Respect for Bungie

[url=]R.E.S.P.E.C.T[/url] How much respect do you have Bungie as a game developer? Has it changed over time? If so, what events have affected your respect towards Bungie and why? For me, I have respect for Bungie. They could have played it safe by continuing their development of the Halo franchise, however, they did not. Bungie instead are creating a whole new world for us to explore; a new game, that if it lives up to our expectations and the gaming communities predictions, could enter us into the next big gaming 'thing'. My respect for Bungie definitely lessened since Halo: Reach. I found its multiplayer fun (for the most part), however, I was disappointed in how they unequivocally took a [b]dump[/b] on the Halo canon and just created a boring campaign with [i]terrible[/i] characters and character development. Please don't even get me started on how the let down the Halo community with how they ignored us post-launch. Ultimately, I have a lot of respect for Bungie. Despite their failings with Halo: Reach (my opinion, bros), I have a new restored sense of respect in them due to Destiny. What about you, Screw?

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  • I respect both Bungie and it's community. It took a lot of guts to make so many of the decisions those guys have had to make. I think it was a huge revelation when Bungie realized that the games they wanted to play were the games millions of others wanted to play. And ever since the first Halo, these are the guys that have been trying to live up to that marvel. Succeeding multiple times in reproducing that game's success. In the end, I think it took a lot of courage to give up the safety of the Halo brand, to move on to something new, not knowing what it could hold, not knowing if they were going to fail or succeed; it's one thing to live up to the success of a game, but these guys are competing with themselves, they're trying to match the success of the Halo series. Now that is bravery at it's finest. To look into the future and not be able to see past the darkness is scary, but they do it. There might be a flower-filled meadow or a huge ravine ahead, but these guys are driving full speed into that darkness... And they love it. [Edited on 11.30.2012 2:23 AM PST]

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