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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update 05.14.10
5/17/2010 6:23:54 PM
my thoughts on the beta...first off armour abilities...sprint great perk...except when ur sprinting and jump, stay in sprint so it looks like a cartoon guy running in mid air,armour lock is about as balanced as it can be save for the shield regen during lock up..i agree you need to come out of armour lock the same way you went in. jet pack...its balanced in usage and movment..however im not to sure its fair that it recharges almost instantly after releasing the still undecided does make it a pain in the arse that my teamates have to deal with a million buggers flying around on their radar when i use it,and i dont like the muffled sound when its to the grenades...they are fine the explosion from a grenade anywhere near you should be a life changing event...i think there are to many of them..some of the smaller spaces on say sword base all you need to do is toss in a couple nades and boom..the room is filled with death..that would be fine if those two nades were the only two you had..then people would be more apt to save it for when they truly needed a nuclear cleansing.weapons,...the AR. is still a joke. but the DMR doesnt fire fast enough to do the BR. justice so we have to learn to take them apart with the AR. and finsh them with a pistol round to the nugget. the needler tracks to far ive been shot at with it and hid behind a wall or other obsticle only to explode as the needles followed me.the needle rifle, just a pink and purple DMR. with explodeing rounds..i likes...pisols need a few more rounds in the clip, health packs arent as plentiful on the maps..i remember halo ce.there where dozens of health packs strewn about an entire section of this ring world but on the maps in reach two or three on the entire map...and if a teamate has found it first ur screwed,the banshee on invasion is a feels like flying a house with thrusters and the banshee bomb to regular cannons is a pain to swap between,the warthog is balanced and awsome fun to drive again but i think it needs to be better almost feels like a couple clips of DMR will cause it to assplode..the chain guns overheating it awesome it keeps the hog balanced..ghosts are almost exactly as i remember them in halo ce.awesome lightning graphics under them by the make no changes to the to the overall spartans..armour permutations are sick, hopefully more choices in the full game, the mechanics of the spartan however are in my opinion subpar...the normal speed of the spartan is to slow..hell the odst moved faster in firefight...i thought these men and women where bio enhanced with speed, agility, and perception? not to mention strength? the books said that just to wear this armour the spartans had to be super human..yet when i take off, i feel like a two year old at top speed...elites are to weak..the books made them sound like brute chieftans on crack, most of the elites in the halo fiction, where creatures that id want to take on one at a time,even with a group of spartans...8 elites where a nightmare..the beta makes them out to be little more than a 2v1 challenge, the evade is freakin awesome however there are only three elite abilities..evade jetpack and camo..hmmm were the elites not the first to use the overshield in halo ce?...all in all im going to love reach..i have to its a halo game made by the peeps that invented halo..and to say i wont play halo 4 when 343 pops it out would be a lie..i'll play halo until they completely ruin it..but ive got a septagon tat and im sure the next game ya'll put out will stomp some arse to down for wutever bungie, bring it on

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