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Edited by thedenim: 8/27/2015 11:19:43 PM

Game Informers new Video.. Bungie Apologizing?? ALSO, new article with TTKs Creative Director Luke Smith

Check it out super interesting. Edit: Great comments players. There is still some love for Bungie out there and some appreciation for what they are trying to do. I for one am excited and can't wait for TTK. Edit: YT Link for everyone just posted 3 hours ago. Edit: New article from Game informer as well with Creative Director Luke Smith, have a read.

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  • They aren't apologizing. They are acknowledging their mistakes with vanilla destiny. They would never say I'm sorry that we didn't make this exactly the way you wanted it. "There isn't a playbook in making destiny".

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    • Edited by Kamina: 9/1/2015 2:58:54 PM
      Idgaf what others say or reviews, I bought Destiny to have fun and have a game to put time into and play. Those were both checked down for me and I love Destiny. Its not perfect as I see flaws of why people would be mad or sad from this coming from Bungie. I understand don't like it don't buy it but there are those who bash and dislike on it, Buy more of its DLC then bash on that as well. Then others bash on others opinions for not buying the DLC or why someone dislikes this and that. All Im saying is Awesome game Bungie no games perfect. The community is a bit F'd up but the only thing I find a problem is the way you sell out its story other then that I r8 8/8 m8.

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      • I like it.

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        • everything they said has been known to those who have even a little bit of common sense, who here doesnt know that Destiny is one of a kind, if you know that you know theres no blueprint to follow, there will be mistakes, and another thing about those mistakes that you understand when you have common sense is it takes a lot of testing to make sure the fix youre applying is right, you also know that whatever changes they make to the game is for the better whether its immediate or in the long run, they dont want to ruin their game, do you think these guys want to fail? no, they dont. I'm also glad they pointed the fact that for anyone that comes here and posts nothing but negativity its because they really care, otherwise they wouldnt be so mad, I dont know how many times ive said this to people i encounter who just talk shit about the game, and dont get me wrong, its good that people voice out whats wrong in the game, the only thing i wish wold chage is the approach some of these people take, you dont have to sound like a whining kid to have someone take you seriously, sounding like a whining kid actually does the opposite. anyway i hope this video helps all those angry people who either dont have any common sense or are blinded by their anger to understand whats really going on, we're all here because whether you want to admit it or not we love the game and we want to see it reach its maximum potential, carry on guardians!

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          5 Replies
          • "Hard to tell people what Destiny was like"? That's not why the game was very different than what was shown in pre-release trailers. They kept going back to "players don't understand it" explanation.

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          • I disagree. I can point to quite a few mistakes bungie has made that they could have avoided had the looked at the history of other/similar games. They really haven't learned much in the way of communication in the past year. It's either half truths, archaic wording which leaves it open to interpretation or outright lies. I won't be giving them anymore money until a number of things change.

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          • making mistakes is a good thing because you can learn from it. year 1 or 2 gear and weaponns... isn't the problem JUST FIX YOUR SHIT SERVERS. al week in IB it's nothing else than red bars In ToO streams it's nothing else than red bars. In regular crucible it's nothing else than red bars. Do something about that !!!!!!

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          • Respect our weapons, that's all I ask. I understand if you have to make tweaks, but don't nerf something into oblivion. The upcoming changes for Thorn are smart, but we can't keep progressing with that weapon.....stupid. Quit worrying about creating a billion guns, we don't need them all cause we already have a huge arsenal we love and want to keep progressing with. New weapons are fun, but TTK is an expansion, not a new game where we have to start all over again with our weapon collections.

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            5 Replies
            • Saw this coming. Despite the fanboys trying to silence anyone who disagrees with what Bungie are doing. Maybe this will wake them up to the reality. For instance when we said tonnes of people quit because the game is confusing and they have deliberately made it hard to just party with random people in game. Fanboys championed LFG and other such sites. Forgetting that you are talking to mainly kids and they shouldn't even be trawling for (or directed to trawl for) people on an external site! No other multiplayer game would direct them to do this it's insane! Then we have players being told what weapons and armour to find relevant. Hu? A game about choice and building OUR legend but, we are constantly told what to do. If we don't do it their way we get forced to by them simply altering the game mechanics or rendering our stuff useless. Who remembers the famous VoG sniper platforms! Those were in the game for a reason i.e. so that you could snipe the oracles and Templar without getting killed needlessly. It was 100% how the encounter was meant to be played (as anyone who played the original will tell you) with the bonus feature that you got an extra chest if you went down and stopped the Templar teleporting. Then, because we all started using the platforms to survive they get restricted to only enemies and we get told "That's not how WE want you to play that encounter". On to weapons. No-one dislikes new weapons. The problem is that they are not introduced in a good way. My old guns don't gradually loose their usefulness as I find new ones of the same level and then better levels. Instead they just suddenly become useless. Suddenly a primary weapon with solar becomes useless because a primary with plain old kinetic has better damage?!?! The only thing that tells me is that I'm trading some extra damage for a less spec'ed gun. It's a sour taste. The new weapon should have BETTER or equal perks not lesser perks but, just more damage. That's not a trade up that's a hollow numbers game! In any other game I would be trading an AR (or whatever) for an AR with a silencer that reduces my radar ping or a sword of lightning + whatever for a higher level sword of fire/lightning/void/whatever + more damage. I never feel that throwing that old sword away (or converting it into parts) is detrimental to my progress. It's stuff like this that is destroying the game for many. It's simple stuff like this that they need to address.

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              184 Replies
              • 70% of that video makes me think Bungie is listening and cares about the fans/ players in Destiny. But i still can not shake the feeling the year 1 Beta was on purpose and Bungie truly believed we would not see the cut content dlcs for exactly that. Cut content.

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                12 Replies
                • Man, I think I might be the only who likes Deej..... I mean put Destiny aside, he seems like an okay guy.

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                  9 Replies
                  • Yes the TTK looks absolutely awesome... Just wondering when will the beta end. Would really love to play the actual game.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Looking back, i understand now, why it was so hard to explain what destiny was before release. I mean, how the hell do you tell people "yeah uh, destiny is this concept.....we're about a year from actually completing it, but we're gonna release what we have and charge for full price. Then we're gonna charge you for two dlcs, then we're gonna release the full game next year.". Nobody would've....well, some of you still would've bought destiny if they said that, but it would've been a huge flop.

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                      • I have lost all love for Bungie.

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                      • Not an apology, but then again they shouldn't have to apologise. A game like this has never really been attempted before, honest mistakes were made, but every DLC/weapons balance since has been a genuine attempt to rectify those mistakes. Maybe things should have been different at launch, maybe it was rushed? I still had a shit load of fun playing it and I appreciate the effort Bungie are making to progress the game.

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                        209 Replies
                        • i'm looking at people being happy that bungie is acknowledging mistakes they've made. I'd be right there with you, if as they were "acknowledging mistakes", they weren't doing shit like locking much of the vanilla game behind a pay wall with TTK.

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                        • Idk about you guys but Master cheif if is way cooler than my guardian.

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                          2 Replies
                          • Bungie: "We're sorry guys, we know we fked up, please come back, things are much better we promise. See all this cool stuff in our cool trailers just like we made it seem before vanilla launch?" Players: "Wow! They wouldn't lie to us twice! I'm preordering!" -TTK releases with half the content promised and the rest to be sold in later DLC- Bungie: "Ha! Got 'em! Retards!" [spoiler]Jk... still not preordering though.[/spoiler]

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                            2 Replies
                            • I honestly think all this video shows is... They did not sell as many units of ttk as the thought they where so they are doing damage control. Now do not get me wrong i have many hours into this game and loved every minute of it. But a lot of what they are doing seems like they want us to start the grind over. Like it is day one.

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                              6 Replies
                              • Edited by JHarv: 8/28/2015 5:21:50 PM
                                A real apology would have been Here, free DLC for the next year. We're going to make this right. You're already $100+ in, so we owe this to you.

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                                7 Replies
                                • Edited by SanctifiedN7: 8/28/2015 2:13:45 PM
                                  I would check it out but apparently i am not in Gayinformer's region if you know what i... :}

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                                  • Screenshot I grabbed from the video. [url][/url]

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                                    6 Replies
                                    • My only question is do they / did they hire any devs from other MMO games. I know I know destiny isn't an MMO. But I feel like if they had had some people on their team that were like "hey we did that it's not a good idea," things might have been a little better. All that aside though I feel like all year 1 players should be getting the beta emblem and day 1 emblem this sept 15th. Joking....kind of.

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                                      • Edited by fakkelbrigade: 8/27/2015 8:39:19 PM
                                        I can't hear Deej voice anymore it really, really annoys me. All the lies he spit out over the last year and now i really hate his voice goodjob community manager.

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                                        24 Replies
                                        • love it or hate it...i bet a large portion of people on here have put well more than 500 + hours on this go back and try and calculate the hours you have played on all your other games combined in the last couple of years...guarantee Destiny still comes out on top..

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                                          100 Replies
                                          • Loved Destiny. Will continue to love it. Year one player shaped destinys future. All the feedback and suggestions we gave them are being put into play. Even all the whines, complaints and rants are being noticed. And judging by year two, Destiny really looks like it's shaping up to be the game we wanted since launch. Year one had flaws, but it still was pretty good. And year two really is some the things Destiny was missing since launch.

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