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Edited by Shrek: 8/14/2015 7:04:50 PM


So Friday morning I wake up to find Xur selling one of the most powerful gun in the game. Heres my Opinion: Some of you must be thinking here comes the salt well I wouldn't agree more...Heres the two sides I have seen so far One side is with Xur selling the Gyallarhorn Sorry if I misspelled the name. Anyhow people are saying it does matter TTK is coming out so there will be weapons better than the Gally which I agree. Also that people were getting rejected because they did not have the Rocket Launcher so they would get booted. But heres the way I see it: Xur collected 19,436,440 coins the weekend he was selling Ice Breaker. Assuming every last one of those coins was spent on Ice Breakers that's 1,143,320 Ice Breakers, which wasn't the case since some very good armor was also available. There are 12,896,066 players in the Destiny community. They play/have created 22,932,276 guardians. This means at most 8.866% of the population has new Ice Breakers. This ignores the scenarios in which players that already had an Ice Breaker bought a second or third. This means considering that more than FIFTY percent of the Destiny community does not have a gally and that IceBreaker is a lot more common Drop if Xur sold the gally it would break the game Noobs would be running around naked with a gally shooting people in crucible T bagging you and sending you messages saying ha GALLY IS AMAZING SUCK IT. Also our Year One community will or already has been disappointed because all the noobs That came with the crappy 80 dollar bundle will get the Ghorn and break the game. Thanks if you read this from top to bottom if you agree or disagree or maybe have a solution please reply down below. Have a great day and HAPPY TRIALS!!!

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