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Edited by Hopeinmo: 5/26/2015 5:56:51 PM

Vaultspace - Accidental Exotic Deletion - Exotic (and raid) Weapon Collection Board

I totally agree with this, it's a good idea!


I agree, if nothing else, to shut up the whiners.


I don't care either way.


I disagree, we just need more vault space.


I disagree with any extra storage space at all!


[u][b]TL/DR[/b][/u] Put exotic and raid weapons that you max out in, you can now withdraw a copied version of that weapon (which does not give mats when dismantled) by any character, any time you need it. (possibly requires 3 max to withdraw on all 3 characters simultaneously) Hackers (or idiotic friends) cannot dump them, and frees up vault space for other weapons that rolled with perks you like. _________________________________________________________________________________ Other Topics [url=]Vaultspace - Weapon Merging & Vault Relocation[/url] Note: Weapon merg/cust (on other topic) works for solutions to either RAM, or server space, (this topic, and the one above) making it a universal fix for vaultspace, no matter Bungie's excuse. _________________________________________________________________________________ I have noticed, (shockingly) that some people have already maxed out there vaultspace and are crying for more I have read people begging for the return of items that were glitch deleted or overall just disappeared (the latter frightens me) I have a solution that could help both issues. I would like to present,[i]The Exotic Collection Board[/i], A vaultspace that allows you to store static weapons permanently (ones that have no variation, basically raid and exotic) [u][b]How It Works[/b][/u] This special storage, allows you to store precious, and hard earned Exotic and Raid weaponry separate of your normal vaultspace, but you may only store a fully upgraded weapon in this storage. Once stored, you may withdraw [u]any number of copies * (refer to notes below)[/u] of your prized, fully upgraded weapon from this special storage, however, this weapon will not be the exact same as the one you put in. This weapon you withdraw will function and operate as a weapon, in crucible and PVP the exact same, but when you dismantle it, you will receive no materials, in exchange for it being a free copy of your prized possession. This new collection board would be different from normal vaultspace due tot he nature of the weapons stored on it. Raid and exotic weapons have no variables in perks, every exotic and raid weapon is static. You will never have one of these weapons different from another with the same name, they will always come with the same perks. A storage space like this would not require the information space that our current vault does, it would just be a checklist. The collection board can also double as a display case on your profile to show off to others snooping around. If for some reason, you manage to misplace or accidentally delete a prized weapon that you already stored on this collection board, you will be able to reclaim it without worry. This collection board can expand with new exotics and raid weapons, meaning it should help reduce any vault storage space issues we could have in the future. I look forward to opinions on this. (I don't make threads often, If there are tags I should add or remove, let me know) [u][b]Notes[/b][/u] ss4gohon suggests that in order to withdraw a copy on each character simultaneously, you would have to store a total of 3 of that weapon maxed out (otherwise, you would have to dismantle/return the weapon before you withdraw by another character, so 1 for 1, 2 for 2, 3 for 3, simultaneously) _________________________________________________________________________________ [u][b]WARNING : All ideas below this point are extra, and not part of the main post / poll, any opinions on the below should not be reflected in your vote.[/b][/u] [u][b]EXTRA : Light level Backup armor[/b][/u] A thought occurred, If it is possible to have your account hacked due to the nature of all our characters information storage process, then it may be Ideal to be able to trade in a set of High light level armor, raid armor, and or exotic armor, (spare or obsolete parts) in order to similarly withdraw armor in a similar manner. This Idea (in relation to exotic and raid armor) would allow you to withdraw armor with the lowest possible roll in stats for discipline strength and intellect, and only keep the static perks. This gear you obtain from your collection would not have any perks that are dynamic/rolled for. An exotic example, an exotic piece of armor will be withdraw-able with is maximum light level, but minimal Disc. Stre. Inte. that this exotic comes with, but will come with all its perks as exotic armor perks are static. A legendary example, after placing a piece of any legendary maxed armor, a basic legendary gear item (from a placeholder set) would be withdraw-able, with only a Light level effect, no disc. stre. inte. stats and no perks (since those are all rolled and random on basic legendary gear and which stats are available are random) Raid gear, would keep whatever is static, and lose whatever is dynamic. The main purpose of this would not be for storage, but for recovery in the event of a malicious hacker (or malicious ex who has no problems trashing your online profiles) allowing you to withdraw generic recovery gear to get your light level back up after re leveling your characters. ( as well as retaining raid gear specific perks, and lower versions of exotic armor ) This one is not a replacement, for your armor, it is simply a backup system to lessen grinding (at a trade off for anything that is RNG) [u][b]EXTRA : Class, Shaders, Emblems and Ships[/b] [/u] xSEALCLUBBERx had a suggestion ( I thought worth of mentioning ) of having drop down menus in the ships, shaders, emblems and class item locations for collectors, similar to what we have no for faction rep, that would allow you to view them all and select what your using, These items being static also, would work effectively well with a checklist type for collecting and using too, though less complicated since there would be no need for them to manifest as items like our combat gear. They have no real game-play impact other than looks so I see little harm in promoting such a change. (It would also get me back my scarf which I think was a mistake to delete since release of ARACHNID helm)

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