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Edited by MAJOR TAO: 5/22/2015 5:56:07 AM

House of Wolves < Story Feedback >

House of Wolves [u]Various Comments relating to Story lines...[/u] 1) The Reef has great characters: The Awoken Queen, Queen's Brother, Petra Venj, Variks the Loyal....but some of these are missing from their home turf. We can't interact with them. The others don't have much to say beyond giving us new opportunities to shoot things. 1a) * Special recognition for the actress performing as Petra Venj as she does a credible job of narration for the missions. 2) The Whole point of the House of Wolves Missions and "Story" arc is that the Guardians are going off to hunt down the renegade Wolf faction. The rebellion itself is not shown, explained or described except in one video showing the aftermath of slaughtered Queen's Guards. 3) Such an important event as capturing Skolas ( the leading Fallen oath-breaker ) should merit an audience with the Queen herself so she ( or her courtiers ) may make more plot thickening comments, mystify us a bit, and reward us for our services. 4) What were the reasons for the Fallen to rebel ? They must have reasons such as pride in their legacy, dissatisfaction with being the Awoken Queen's lackeys, perhaps a long list of unanswered grievances, and the hope of reclaiming a reckless, adventurous independent life in the wild sargasso of space. While they make fine enemies...they lack their own voice and come off as simply one-dimensional. 5) The Awoken have survived the Darkness.....somehow....! Did they cut deals with elements of the Darkness ? Did they forge alliances, make compromises, sacrifices, or sell out Earth based humanity to save themselves ? Do they have hidden weapons, knowledge, powers, or resources that keep them from being totally subverted and subservient to the Darkness ? The Awoken have a couple games in play during this Light vs Darkness War. Clues to this could have been presented with the opening of the Reef. 6) I think my favorite new character is Variks the Loyal. He's our window onto understanding the behaviors, motivations, and unique expressions of the Fallen. His comments make a nice interplay with Petra Venj during the missions. 7) It seems Petra Venj lost an eye during the recent Wolf Uprising.... ! Sure, she's too tough to cry about it to us...but it sure is too bad there's no bar at the Reef where Guardians could buy her drinks until she finally tells her version of surviving the Uprising. 8) Back ground details could have dropped in the form of holo records, data crystals, or other records reclaimed from slain Fallen Bounties. Such could have included ( for example ) - a recording of a secret meeting where Skolas reveals his planned uprising to some other Fallen and has to fight another Kell to the death to prevent his plan from being foiled by Fallen Loyalists. 9) Getting to know something more about the Fallen and their culture, society, and unique expressions, and unique weapons keeps us interested ! 10) More info on the Fallen connection to the very mysterious "Tide of Darkness" could have been revealed, or clues, or leads could have lure Guardians into investigating yet more dangerous paths.... ! 11) I recognize that some details were scattered about in an attempt to make some Fallen bounties different from others. If that had not been done they would all seem the same. To call a one line description "characterization" would be...... too generous. 12) The feelings of betrayal from the Awoken are what help motivate the Guardians and we should hear more of that. The Awoken lived with these folks in their midst for YEARS..... ! There must have been more personal connections, trust, and interdependence established over time. So the feeling of betrayal, hurts, and even personal physical attacks endured from traitorous comrades should have the Awoken absolutely clamoring for Fallen blood......! 13) Petra Venj should also have detailed knowledge about the special abilities, favored weapons, and likely motivations of each of the Fallen leaders the Awoken Queen has set bounties on. For example: "Fallen Szukbi Tzu.... " incredibly talented with the arc swords, a heavy drinker of..... and known to carve his personal symbol into slain enemies." 14) Good voices ! 15) Brother you have a backstory worth telling...or is it better that you remain practically faceless ? 16) Where is this story going ? The House of Wolves rebelled, the Guardians rush in to clean up the mess, the Reef and new activities open up....and yet......what about the larger Light vs Darkness War ? Any developments there ?

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