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Edited by ET: 8/17/2015 2:14:16 AM

Worst teammate you've ever had

This post can be for you to vent or just tell a story of your worst teammate you've ever had in this game. I just did a strike with (not sure if my worst teammate) a very unskilled human being. I got 108 kills more than him in the level 8 Devils lair strike. Worst part is he wasn't even afk, he was actually trying. And before you say he was probably new, he had 2005 grimore and was a level 31. I would love to hear some stories you guys Edit: 1776 replies... 'Murica Edit: Edited a part of my original story as I have been confronted by people getting upset a little too easy. Maybe now this post will be for what I intended it to be for, sharing stories of your bad experiences Edit: so with House of Wolves dropping, there are more opportunities for bad teammates. Prison of elders is a hard place to carry someone which makes a players true skill come out. Anyone have the misfortune of playing with anyone bad yet? Edit: well this post got popular again all of a sudden, keep up the stories! I do try to read all of them

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  • Was watching a friend play crucible and one guy on the team had 1 kill and 18 deaths.. He got first strike then got killed, after that he just ran at the enemy everyone he spawned shooting up in the air and spinning in circles. worst part? HE was the person that got rewarded with a Suros... total bullshit

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