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3/3/2015 1:22:38 AM

Exotics and raid gear (Diversity and uniqueness)

Hello guardians, it is not to say that many of us (myself included) feel the need to look unique but when Xur sells anything then we all end up the same. We finally get to 32 and we are all looking the same. Shaders barely work in some cases because some exotic armor just doesn't change. So I am going to give you some ideas that many of us already are thinking about in terms of customization. 1- Exotic "evolution": we know the story of the Husk of the Pit and its evolutionary path to Necrochasm. The difference here is that we are already with an exotic rather than a common item. When many people get the same exotic and that exotic has an evolutionary path with unique choices and just one different choice gets yourself with a new final armor/weapon totally different than your'e friend then this just gets all the uniqueness you need and gives you the sense of independence that you have always wanted. This would mostly be applied to armor because its the first thing you see in a players look. This would be perhaps be the door to using more than one exotic as it would turn into something more. To further make it more about personal choice then lets go wild and make it like choosing a class per character: Only one time. 2-Sets of raid gear: Now this one I think is the most simple one of the two. All we need to do is take the exact stats of the other set and make a different one (style wise).Thats all, nothing else just not a reskin but a relatively new one. Heck don't even change colors just make two per class with a new look. Take into account that this ideas are only my own, I didn't copy them from anyone but I am sure most of us have come across this in our minds at one point. The first one would work most for Destiny 2 but sounds very cool and the second one could just as well be in the next DLC.

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