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Edited by Noble 6: 2/28/2020 4:22:09 AM

If you retire my Legendaries I will stop caring about loot

Ok, so first off, the new Director's Cut as a whole isn't all bad, some important stuff is being addressed. But the thing that really rubs me the wrong way is retiring legendary weapons. Don't get me wrong, as someone who is into game design, I GET IT. No really, I do. I get how carrying forward hundreds of cool weapons makes it nearly impossible at some point to create cool new stuff. People want things to chase. But I can promise you right here and now... it will have the exact opposite effect on me. If I know the god-rolls I grind out for hours will be useless in about a year, I will stop caring about them. I have spent absurd amounts of time getting my god-roll Kindled Orchid, Hammerhead or now Breachlight. Those guns, as weird as it sounds, mean something to me. How good they are, how long it took to get them, how cool they look. If every time I get something like this I KNOW I will lose it in time... I just can't bring myself to really care anymore. yeah, again, I fully get your problem, but I'm gonna be brutally honest here: My enjoyment doesn't care about the issues in game-design you face. It may work to keep OTHER people interested in the game, but it will have the opposite effect on me. If you retire my Legendaries I will stop caring about loot. EDIT: So some people are telling me that my own personal feelings on the game somehow make no sense. Apparently because I already have all the good stuff I could ever need, I should've already stopped grinding... except I haven't. Bungie has still managed to give me stuff worth going for every season. I'm also a collector, so if something is good and looks unique, I want it. But also, I'm just a bit tired of grinding after 2 1/2 years of hardcore play. I still play a lot but getting a god-roll just once in a while is fine. That's fun to me nowadays. But if they were to take it all away again and again and again... I would just burn out. Their intended effect of forcing me to play more would just backfire. I'd go from a game I just play a bit less after literal thousands of hours (which is normal) to a game I might actually quit. I hope that makes sense. (Also, it's not like they couldn't do other things to make new weapons more viable. In another thread an actual game-dev has made some great suggestions, I was just here to voice my disappointment.)

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  • Edited by Pr0t0Zer0: 2/27/2020 1:59:37 AM
    I dont want things to chase. Im done chasing. Ive got what i need and i do well with it and i have a variety of things to switch to to change it up. Forcing me to chase more carrots by spoiling the ones i already farmed is a easy way for me to hate carrots and farming all together.

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    13 Replies
    • Pissed me off to no end when fatebringer died... I’m a 90% pve player.... All this new crap will be based of stupid trials...

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      3 Replies
      • I think they could use the same model as the armor. I don't mind the seasonal mods for armor because i still use older pieces for certain events. They could make seasonal mods for weapons that benefit in current season endgame events but still allow older weapons as a usable option. It would encourage grinding for new weapons to use in endgame while keeping older weapons relevant

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        • I don't know the mechanics of game design/development and such, but I do know that other games don't seem to have the issues that bungie claims as their reasons for the changes. Warframe has an insane amount of weapons/mods and they introduce new ones rather frequently, all without getting rid of or "retiring" anything. The customization and min/maxing is on a completely different level, not to mention an open market trade system, and let's not forget the fact that it's [i] actually[/i] free to play. Bungie has no real excuse when you look at other games.

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          • Honestly I have been walking the razor's edge of not giving a damn about this game entirely for, well, pretty much from the start. Lets be real, D2 launched as a sad, hollowed-out mockery of what D1 was even at its worst. I tried to hold out hope for improvement, I had already bought the "Limited Edition" so I was in it for the first year one way or another. But by the end of that year I knew if I hadn't bought them in advance I would not have bought Osiris or Warmind. I was slow to buy Forsaken and the Annual Pass, waiting for a trio of coinciding deals around Black Friday to get Forsaken at less than half price, and another set of deals to get the Annual Pass sometime in Season of Opulence at roughly 1/4 the price. And in both cases I still felt I overpaid. I felt Bungie should have started as close to where D1Y3 left off and built up from there, instead they took a massive step backwards and in many areas to this day they have not yet so much as broken even with what D1 was. Not to say there haven't been ANY improvements, but they are far outweighed by the detriments. And seeing this plan to return to the forced obsolescence we all strung Bungie up by their innards for back in Dark Below and acting like it's for OUR benefit and thus we should be "happy" about it... ...let's just say I'm glad I haven't spent a single cent on this game in Year 3, and I will not be spending a cent on it in the future. I may stick around long enough to complete my current backlog of insanely long-term, excruciatingly tedious quests I've been putting off for months because the "rewards" quite frankly are not worth the effort required. Then again, I may not. I've got plenty of other games I haven't even touched yet. Every month there's usually at least one "Games with Gold" I want to try. And by the end of the year Halo 6 will be out, and I'd like to be closer to completing Halo 5's armory before then, so in all likelihood my time spent on Destiny, already severely diminished, may dwindle off entirely. Put simply, I did not pay for temporary content, I will not grind for temporary gear.

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            • 😁🍺

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            • Lol

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            • Lol

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            • Edited by Warpath73: 2/28/2020 1:07:15 AM
              I sympathize...but a year isn’t long enough? You really don’t want to ever stop using the same hand cannon you got in Season of the Forge? Don’t get me wrong, I love the Orchid too...but I don’t want this instashard Destiny we have now where loot never matters and only nerfs change my loadouts, to me that just creates a “meh” feeling.

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              • Edited by jefedemuchanina: 2/28/2020 9:52:00 AM
                Nothing but adding more fomo for the broken weapons of the time yeah you have that scout you like but this season there's a shiny new broken one everyone's using better buy the dlc so you can use it before it's trash. Luke Smith loves referencing wow while completely ignoring most of the fanbase has hated the game since lich king idk like 10-12 years ago

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              • By your logic you should have stopped caring about loot already. You have the god roll of the best weapon in the game, why chase anything else ever again if you can keep that weapon for all endgame activities forever? Answer you shouldn’t. Hell at this point from all the whining and crying about stuff getting left behind they should just stop making new legendary weapons all together and just make armor. No point in new legendary weapons since we already have the best weapons with the best rolls and stats. Its like none of you have ever played an MMO type game ever. You’d lose your shit in World of Warcraft, your end game gear becomes irrelevant after a single UPDATE.

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                32 Replies
                • Weapons will have 100% viability to all content till about next Christmas to summer... even then they will still be viable to all content except whatever trickle content comes out then... read paul tassi on forbes he sums it up in a great way and completely changed my mind

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                  • Same. Luke Smith is trading out not feeling like he needs to use the god roll loot he grinds for, for not feeling like he needs to grind out the god rolls in the first place. This season, I had a similar thought as him when I saw two solar high impact fusions release at the same time and remembered I'm still going for the adaptive moon one. But the solution he reached is just a changing of a problem to a minor philosophical problem which is just the standard "What do I buy someone who has everything?", to instead making new loot [b]necessary[/b] to play the content, but not [b]worth[/b] investing in getting specific rolls (while trashing the hundreds of hours we regretfully spent farming through getting perks and rolls that frankly should not even exist). I just got and masterworked Bygones through the timelost bounties. Not even a perfect god roll. But had this system been in place, I would be getting it at a point where it has already been neutered. Honestly, it's an unsustainable band-aid, but if you are going to do it, the quality of content that comes out has to be exquisite. The features the game needs to have has to rival Final Fantasy XIV. The level of immersion in the MMO RPG side of it needs to be all the way there. Intrinsically. People need to want to live on the game. Weapons have to be an afterthought. Stats and fashion

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                  • They don't give a shit about 99% of the existing player base and all the time they have invested. They will look for the easiest solution to bring back players who left due to the lack of engaging pvp experience whilst bringing in new players to boost the population. They feel that we are so invested in the game, we will hang around no matter how much they -blam!- us around.

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                  • Sooooo.. you're saying you'll still be here next year? Cause im pretty sure bungie can't hear anyone over all the money they have to count each season. If you want them to hear you'll actually have to stop playing. I've been reading comments like this since D1 and i see some of those same people PLAYING and still complaining today.

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                  • A better option would be to nerf the top weapon and add a new one. If they want people to desire and farm that new weapon. Example. Spare rations make aim assist go from 92 —> 63 and reduce the handling/stability on it by 20%. Now introduce a similar weapon that has better stats that people will want. You can still use that old spare rations but the new weapon will be better without introducing power creep. This solves their problem without removing our ability to use said weapon.

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                  • Use the same intensity of not care, put that intensity into caring to find out what the new meta is. Only tell me and I'll give you daily updates on the fun I'm having. Thanks in advance.

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                  • I stopped caring about loot when I was getting the same dog shit and dismantling everything a week after playing.

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                  • 0
                    O no only over a year to use the same thing the horror

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                  • So? It really needs to happen. I have a god rolled bygones since forsaken. A god rolled swarm since drifter. Guns need to be retired. Otherwise, let's face it, you're not gonna use all 500 of those guns . I have 400 well rolled guns and I use...maybe 15 of them regularly. Member when the taken king happened? Did we honestly care? Because I was happy. Pushed me to get treads upon stars.

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                    28 Replies
                    • Edited by Heydrith: 2/28/2020 11:38:14 AM
                      Considering the fact that mindless shooting at patrol zones is the only fun activity, I have no problem with shit bungie throwing at us. Game becomes trash long time ago, and many of us are here only because we love gunplay.

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                    • What activities are you using you kindled, breachlight and hammerhead in? Looking at your characters you have virtually the same load out on all 3. Izanagi & wendigo on all 3, recluse on 2 & a pulse on 1. It highlights why they're looking to have a shelf life on guns for end game activities and introduce new ones.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I’m with you mate. I didn’t mind the way it was done in D1 but the game was in a completely different place back then. Guns had a purpose, VoG weapons worked better in VoG, all of the Crota’s End weapons had perks to help against the hive. I totally get what they’re saying about content not being aspirational, but that’s more down to the content they’re releasing not having the same pulling power that content in D1 had, not because were hoarding weapons so new ones don’t get a chance. I absolutely love the aesthetic on this seasons weapons and many of them have now replaced other guns I have. Aesthetics is honestly the only reason I play games, if something doesn’t look cool I won’t use it irrelevant of how good it is and that’s what’s happened for much of these season releases - the guns look bland, they’re reskinned and to cap it off they’re mostly useless. The other issue isn’t weapon aspiration, it’s activity aspiration- the activities they’re releasing are absolute garbage. Menagerie is shit - it’s just taken six versions or raid encounters or world activities and stuck them together. Reckoning is alright but gets stale very quickly. Forges are good but only because they’re over quickly. Sundial and Vex Offensive are honestly two of the most boring activities I’ve played in any game - I completely skipped the Undying seal because I realised I’d need to do loads of Vex Offensive runs. These activities would come out as bonus content on DLCs in D1 but they’re becoming main centre pieces of our time and it’s a joke. The other thing that annoyed me was Luke Smith saying we’re seeing the seasonal storylines come together - but I’m not. The Shadowkeep storyline hasn’t been explained at all - we go into the pyramid and we see ourselves and we’re told they’re our salvation - the raid has no relevance to that at all. What has rescuing St 14 got to do with Trials at all? Why would we travel through time, save him just for him to because another Saladin/ Shaxx? Forsaken had a complete storyline but that was outsourced - it just screams that Bungie have taken this game as far as it can from a development/ creative POV. It’s time to let someone else have a go.

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                        2 Replies
                        • Eh, I'm pretty sure I'll be more likely to chase new things if 1. I dont have a bunch of old stuff I can use and 2. It allows the creation of more rewards, especially unique rewards. I'm just not as worried as some people I guess.

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                        • Edited by ironBill: 2/27/2020 4:44:30 PM
                          I guess the pragmatist in me sees we lose the weapons one way or another. In the current model, they gut the weapon and it’s useless. In the new model, the don’t let you power it up beyond a point, but can be used in non-leveled activity forever (PvP). I don’t like either way, but the new way sounds better on paper at least.

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                          5 Replies
                          • Wanna know a secret. I’ve stopped caring about loot. I have the best of what I need and have had it for about a year now. Two different bows both released in forsaken and anything else I can grab and use is serviceable.

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