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5/23/2024 6:09:32 PM

(Pathfinders) Maybe I missed it, but...

If you can't complete a Pathfinder playing only the activity you want to play, it's an L off the rip. Please just let me play crucible and complete these. I'll do your boring strikes if I absolutely have to. I flatly will not play Gambit. Please don't make that an obstacle again.

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  • [quote]Please just let me play strikes and complete these. I'll do your boring crucible if I absolutely have to. I can play Gambit.[/quote] Agree.

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    4 Replies
    • Edited by SparetimeGamer: 5/23/2024 11:05:50 PM
      Thats exactly what they will do. Because since the change to get your weekly 3 exo engrams, all these players, who just went and did their weekly torture didnt need to do so anymore. So the participation pool dried up to borderline zero. With Pathfinder they force everbody through the weekly torture again. Splendid isnt it?

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    • "play the way you want to play"

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    • Edited by xbroggiex: 5/23/2024 6:56:46 PM
      It's an L regardless of what modes you like playing. If you just want to do Strikes you will be forced into Crucible and Gambit. If you just want to do Crucible you will be forced to run Strikes and Gambit matches If you just want to do Gambit you will be forced into Strikes and Crucible. At the moment players have a choice of what they want to do to get rewards, but now they will have less choice on what they play and they get the same if not less rewards for doing so. Considering it resets weekly if you get objectives you don't like it will just incentivise you to straight up not play for that week, and as for the objectives in what world is "3 Primevals Summoned" which is the exact same as 3 Gambit matches worth the same XP as a daily bounty?

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      • Edited by Mark, Scholar of Stars: 5/24/2024 5:50:02 PM
        Looking at the presentation in the current TWID, for me, it looks like options being limited. But, just to be fair, let's see how it is, when it goes live...

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      • Not to be Accused of "Cherry Picking" a Comment, but i fould this in the TWAB: [i]These limited choices result in a system that feels prescriptive about [u]how you should play, instead of putting you in control[/u][/i].

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        • I was wondering the same thing. It appears as though we will sometimes be forced into certain activities to complete paths (one of the screenshots showed only Crucible and Gambit options in one of the tiers).  [quote]As long as you still have the Glimmer to do so, you can continue to reset Pathfinder cards after claiming final rewards as many times as you’d like each week[/quote] Does this mean we have to complete a path to claim the reward before each reset? Or can we reset, reset, reset… after a single reward, until we find a card we like (or our Glimmer runs out)? Either way, I think it would be much better if we could focus our cards on our favourite activities.

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          • The bull crap part is that after first reset they can/will be different from your friends. With bounties you can do the same activity and not worry about anything. With this, someone most likely will have to do activities that don’t align with their pathfinder. Or just don’t play with your friends anymore. I guess that’s what Bungie wants.

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          • Bungie: Our Playerbase is Dying guys, we need players back in Crucible and that Green thing over there that has cob webs. Bungie: I know, lets force players to do Mundane boring busy work C### and fill those Playlists..lets also say they will get a "Powerful Reward".

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            8 Replies
            • I hope people complain about it tbh being forced into playing an activity that’s not your thing whatsoever is toxic I can see bungie being forced to change it.

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              • The TWAB says that with pathfinder, one of the goals was to push you outside of your comfort zone. That’s Bungie speak for “we want to push you to play things you don’t like”

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                40 Replies
                • You can currently earn 1080 weekly bright dust for doing all 3 vendor challenges on 3 characters per week, 8 bounties per ritual vendor, usually takes 2 games of PvP, 2 games of gambit & 2 strikes per character. Pathfinder, you only get dust on your 1st clear each week, & it's 150, so that's 450 per week, down from 1080, dust nerf. Also the paths are spawn 3 primevils in gambit, kill 4 strike bosses, complete 4 PvP games. So you're playing longer, sometimes much longer, for less reward. Youd also get 9 exotic engrams from the current bounty system, pathfinder gives you 3, then you get primes for future weekly clears. It's Devs way of making loyal players pull the weight of players who are going to quit or not take part, regarding time played in-game. If you budget on 1 million players playing 10 hours per week for a year, 520 million hours total told to investors, but your product sucks & you expect people to quit, you do this. You need the half a million who stayed to play double, n that's where pathfinder comes in. 1/2 million playing 20 hours a week, boom 520m hours target hit, bonuses paid.

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                  • If I'm forced to play crucible and gambit to complete Pathfinder, I will not participate - EVER!! Classic Bungie one step forward, 2 steps backwards. This will be hated by so many players, I guarantee it.

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                  • If it means being pushed to play certain ritual activities that I don't enjoy, I won't engage with Pathfinder. Simple.

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                    2 Replies
                    • I absolutely agree, but for the absolute opposite reason -- give me Strikes/Onslaught all day but don't force me to do ANY PvP activities. A big factor that's helped me avoid Destiny fatigue is that I can still be rewarded only playing the game modes that I want to play, and this consolidation of path seems a step in the exact opposite direction -- especially since their [i]example[/i] Ritual Pathfinder shows a chokepoint with two Crucible icons and a Gambit icon -- and that indicates that this isn't a rare thing, but a feature of what they're trying to do. If that's where they are going, what they are going to find is that some players will stop doing any ritual activities.

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                    • I flatly will not play Crucible. Let me do Vanguard strikes. I will do gambit only it forced!

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                    • If bungee cared about players choice about allowing players to make choices for their experience you wouldn't have this issue with Pathfinder. I feel like over the years that's what bungee wants to do they want to take away players choice they don't want players to use loadouts they want to use your Force to use stuff to kill champions you are forced to use the matter even when you don't want to...

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                    • Litterally says in the notes that pathfinder has an option for every playlist.

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                      • In all honesty, let's just see how it works first, but i completely get what you're saying. It will all depend on the variation of the tasks to complete. We can only wait and see. If further down the tree, it starts to get a lot harder. For instance, say get 15 headshots with snipers in a crucible match, then non pvp players will just reset their progress. After a while, they will just not engage. That said, what i noticed was in the second picture of the Pathfinder Tree on one of the very final branches. There were only 3 nodes, 2 crucible and 1 gambit, and it will suck for people that really dont like these activities to have to reset that far down the tree. Like i said before, let's wait and see it might end up being a fantastic addition to the game we can't tell yet.

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                      • yall really acting like bounties gave xp in the first place

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                      • Edited by whateverman7: 5/24/2024 7:16:28 PM
                        How about waiting till we see it in action before starting the L talk? Who am I kidding, this is the destiny community. Everything bungie announces is an L to them lol. Even if they enjoy something, they have to find something to be upset about lol.

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                        • Since the first set is the same for everyone, I imagine it'll have nodes for all activity types so you can complete it by either taking a direct route (dipping your toes in activities you may not normally play) or an elongated route (safely play in activities you like but have to play more of them to finish the path). I can only hope that once you reset that first path, it takes into account the activities you played the most and then creates a new one with an abundance of nodes for that activity. Maybe have a few from the activities you don't like to get to the end just a little faster. Another hope is that with multiple resets, you start getting more direct routes that are made up of your favorite activities. Since the rewards will be diminishing on more resets (to a point), they won't mind giving you a direct route to those lesser rewards.

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                        • [quote]If you can't complete a Pathfinder playing only the activity you want to play, it's an L off the rip. Please just let me play crucible and complete these. I'll do your boring strikes if I absolutely have to. I flatly will not play Gambit. Please don't make that an obstacle again.[/quote] Destiny players when they have to play the whole game and not just 1 activity

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                          • Edited by Obscure Meme: 5/24/2024 6:04:27 AM
                            I like doing strikes to chill and such, but there's only so many I enjoy that eventually the meager end reward makes me stop doing them. Battlegrounds are mostly a write off and I orbit in most cases if I get one. Pretty sure right now there's less actual strikes than destiny 1 had at ROI Era, not counting battlegrounds for obvious reasons. Some of the battlegrounds I like, such as the Rasputin ones since it's a new-ish area, and the psi-ops final areas are cool, but the defiant ones are pretty mediocre since it's just reused patrol zones.

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                            4 Replies
                            • So glad I didn’t preorder. I know they will put the most obnoxious (longest time to complete) strikes in to make people run them. The worst pvp maps that people avoid, oh yes, it will be like that for the first season, then they will tone it down after being flooded with complaints. They will make people grind if they want the rewards, simple as that. They will force players to in order to get new weapons or armor that will be op. Easy to see.

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                            • Interesting, I'd assume I would have seen a pve player complaint about doing pvp lol

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