Happy New Year!

3, gen 2017 - Cozmo_BNG

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2017 Guardians. Whether you’re a grizzled veteran who has been playing since the Alpha launched back in 2014, or a kinderguardian who just picked up Destiny as a holiday gift, we’re glad you are here. We hope you all had a fantastic holiday season, spent drinking warm beverages by the fire and catching up with loved ones. Maybe you even snuck off to our racetrack once you’d had enough family time for one evening. 

As of today, The Dawning has come to a close. It’s been three fun-filled weeks of Sparrow Racing, Strike Scoring, and making snow angels. Now it’s time to pack up the decorations in the Tower. If you’re sad that The Dawning has ended, don’t worry. It has left behind a number of fun things you can still do.

Here is a list of activities from The Dawning that are still available: 
  • Strike Scoring
  • Weekly Elite Bounties from Commander Zavala
  • Daily Vanguard Elite Bounties from the Bounty Trackers
  • Sparrow Racing in Private Matches
  • Weekly Treasures of the Dawning for completing  a Heroic Strike
  • Silver Dust Store and Eververse items

The Competitive Spirit Record Book can still be completed for rewards through SRL Private Matches, Daily “Vanguard Elite” Bounties, and Strikes from the SIVA Crisis or Nightfall playlists. If you’re still holding onto your SRL Record Book from 2015, it will not be tracked in Private Matches. Enjoying some speed with your friends is a reward in itself.

Bungie is ramping back up to full strength. One by one, we’re arriving back in the studio to take up our positions at our desks. We’ll be regrouping this week, and preparing for another year of Destiny. Our next “This Week at Bungie” blog update will land on 1/12/2017. We won’t be ready for any major reveals, but we’ll resume the conversation about the rituals that return to Destiny week over week and month over month.

Thank you for joining us for another trip around the sun. We have a year of adventure planned for you.

Talk to you again soon!
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