Community Focus - EversonMITOBR

Jun 27, 2022 - BrunoLouviers

Oh, a new week already? And it's almost July, too? Time flies when you are working on stuff you want others to read as soon as possible. As much as I love doing the new Duality dungeon (I managed to finish it solo!) and trying to get my desired roll of my adored Beloved, chatting about Destiny 2 with remarkable people and getting to tell their stories is something I enjoy very much. Lucky me, that’s exactly what I'm doing today! 

Please, say "olà" to Everson, an incredible Destiny 2 content creator and the first one from the great country of Brazil to be featured in a Community Focus. 

Oi, Everson, como vai? (Hey, Everson, how are you doing?) It’s a pleasure to have you here. Please, tell me about your personal story, what you like to play and, of course, what you like so much about Destiny that you stream and create content about it!  

Hello, Guardians! My name is Everson, known in the Destiny community as EversonMITOBR. My nametag was created when I played Call of Duty with a clan of friends, where everyone used "MITO" in their names. I always liked video games, but it took me a while to get a console. Many of the games I played were at the houses of friends and family. I started creating content on YouTube, uploading videos with Trials of Osiris highlights. Soon after that, I started doing live streams, helping Guardians go Flawless. It was very gratifying to see a Guardian's joy when stepping into the Lighthouse for the first time. I do this to this day because it is incredibly fun. I get to meet new people and share great moments fighting to get into the Lighthouse. It is not always guaranteed, right? But we have fun. 

It’s the first time I interview a creator from Brazil—and it won’t be the last, let me tell ya’—so I am a bit curious. Could you share any particularity you think Brazilian Guardians have compared to others around the world? I already told everyone that you call one of the Vow of the Disciple symbols "Brasilia.". 

Brazilians are a very cheerful people, indeed. We make memes about literally everything. We have a lot of stickers from the world of Destiny on messaging apps. We have a meme for almost every situation in the game. We even have our own meme site, Detestiny. About the raid symbols (which are very cool, thanks to the Art team for them), each squad has its own names for them. I can give you a very absurd example: a lot of us say "Padre Marcelo Rossi" (Father Marcelo Rossi) for the Worship symbol. He is a very popular public figure here in Brazil! 

On the Zavala scale, how are you today?” 

I know you live with Crohn's disease and that you are open about it. Any word of advice for Guardians that live with a chronic disease and want to build their own community? Has streaming or playing Destiny helped you to cope with it in any way?  

Crohn’s disease and some other complications that I had have affect my life in a profound way. In the beginning, it was hard to understand everything that was happening. But in time, I took it as a learning experience and used it as motivation. The disease is complicated because of the restrictions it imposes on doing lots of stuff. But with the support of family and friends, every burden becomes lighter in your journey. The advice I give to people who have a chronic illness and dream of creating a community is: never give up on your goals. It is not easy, I know. But with persistence, determination, and love, everyone can achieve their dreams. Take the first step and don’t stop after that. Destiny has helped me deal with the disease because playing and creating content keeps my mind and my day busy. I end up forgetting all the issues this illness brings to the table every day. 

I’m just an average PvP player and always need some help to go Flawless in Trials of Osiris, what advice do you have for other players like me that want to improve in Trials and in PvP in general? 

I usually say that I have more will to help than the proper skill. Although I am very dedicated and manage to help some Guardians. I won't go into details about what weapons you should use or not because Destiny gives you lots of great weapon options and builds. To improve, you need to spend more time on that activity and have fun playing that mode. Understand it like a PvE activity: some things don't work, and others do. Use the scenarios to your advantage and keep yourself protected while trying to eliminate your opponent. Communicate in-game whenever possible, consequently increasing your chances of reaching the Lighthouse. 

As a Warlock, how are you enjoying the changes that came with Solar 3.0? Do you already have a loadout you can’t take off?  

I really like Solar 3.0 and tested a lot of combinations. I'll have some secrets to reveal in the coming weeks. It's fantastic to make several explosions and melt all enemies. I remembered the meme of the girl with the burning house. Remember: we love memes in Brazil [laughs].  

Since we are here and you are our first Brazilian Community Focus, any special message you want to send to the Brazilian community? Please, tell me about your friends, where the players gather... 

I’m thankful for all the support from the Brazilian community. All the people have a big heart and are always willing to help each other. And together we can always welcome new Guardians, increasing our community, and the fun never ends. I could meet many people in the virtual world, and even had the pleasure of meeting some related to Destiny in person. And even those I haven't met are friends I take for life. I met most of them in message groups. We don't limit ourselves to talking only about games. We also talk about life, help our friends with difficulties, or just chat. I value the friendships I have built, everything is more fun with friends, and I know I will take them with me for the rest of my life. This year I'm preparing to see some friends in person and meet the new friends I have made in-game. 

Before we say "adeus,” (goodbye) where can we find you online? When do you usually stream? Do you want to give a special shoutout to anyone? Again, thanks a lot for your time, Everson. And congratulations on your great work. (Reminder that he streams on Portuguese) 

You can find me from Monday to Saturday at 10 PM (BRT), or 6 PM (PST), streaming on Twitch and always trying to help the Guardians. I interact a lot with the community through social media too (follow me on Twitter or TikTok) and I sometimes post videos on my YouTube channel. I would like to thank everyone involved in creating the Destiny universe. This game is awesome and gave me many incredible opportunities. Also, a hug to all my fellow content creators and a special kiss to my wife Caroline, who supports me daily.  

Thank you, Bungie! 

I am so happy I could do a Community Focus with a Brazilian creator; I should be the one saying thank you, Everson!  

I really mean it. Getting to know players and creators from all around the world helps me get a better perspective of what they need. And it’s always tremendously insightful to hear directly from you what you think the game needs, how you like to play, or who your favorite characters are.  

Before we go, if you want to know about more amazing people that play and create stuff around the Destiny universe, please just check our previous Community Focus! Curious about the work of cosplayers? Adrienne Fiore could be a great replacement for our favorite Awoken queen. More into great strats and builds? Then Critbuff is your man.  

‘Hasta luego’ 

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