Community Focus - CaseyRoo

Mar 25, 2022 - Sam

Happy Friday, Guardians! I don’t know about you, but these Community Focus posts have been such a fun addition to my week. Just speaking for myself, I have found dozens of communities that I would have never seen without them. As Liana mentioned last week, the variety of the Destiny community is magical, and today’s Community Focus is nothing short of that. 

Hello Casey! Thank you so much for hanging out with us today. Let’s start off with who you are, where you’re from, and how did you get started in gaming?  

Hullo, I’m Caseyroo! Also known as Casey, Gremlin, Gam Gam, and sometimes Grandma. Don’t let my youthful appearance fool you, I have a not-so-secret affinity for house slippers, naps, and early bird specials. I’m from Portland, Oregon, though I grew up in Southern California.  

Gaming started early for me, with my childhood best friends that lived up the street. We spent summers playing anything and everything on their N64 and sneaking in games on my eldest brother’s off-limits Xbox (Trevor, if you’re reading this, I swear I’m innocent). Many an afternoon was spent still in swimsuits wet from the pool, playing Goldeneye, and cackling at the top of our lungs. Our gaming preferences expanded alongside the evolution of consoles and eventually, I saved up to buy an Xbox of my own and started playing Halo. I was hooked.  

Content creation came much later, once I built my first PC. I was working from home and wanted to make more friends to play games with. Over the years, this has evolved into a creative outlet to share my photography, cooking, and art.

One of my favorite things about asking “How did you get started in gaming?” is reading those responses. As a kid who totally didn’t play on their parent’s PC when they weren’t home, I love that you totally never played on your brothers Xbox either.  

So how did you find Destiny and when did you start playing?   

Destiny 1, upon first hearing about it, felt like a side mission. I was still playing a lot of Halo with my friends and when one of them mentioned the upcoming release to me, I scoffed. There was no way I was going to sink any significant amount of time into that (if my life had a narrator, this would have been a perfect opportunity for them to point out how wrong I was). I preordered anyway and found myself completely in love. 

In June of 2017, I built a PC with a very specific purpose: Destiny 2 gaming. This evolved into gaming and streaming and connecting with friends online but originally it was, well, destined for Destiny. 

That almost sounds like Destiny was made to inspire friendships, I love it! So, what type of content do you like to focus on?  

If we’re talking about the content on my stream, I tend to jump around a lot. My passions away from my PC are cooking and art of all kinds, but my love for Destiny sort of trickled out and found its way there, too. 

I find tremendous enjoyment from painting impactful moments in the game. To take a single frame, study it, put brush to canvas, and share it for others to feel that same thing… That’s pure joy to me. That’s what really inspired me to paint the single frame of Cayde’s final stand. I’d be lying through my teeth if I said that I don’t shed a tear every time I watch that cutscene. Packing all of those feelings into a painting, it’s a sort of catharsis for me.  

As far as cooking and Destiny, I’ve spent ages going through the lore and finding any little mention of food so that I can take inspiration and cook delicious things. I’ve been planning a series of Destiny-themed cooking streams just to share a little bit more of the lore that some folks might have overlooked. 

If we’re talking about what sort of content I enjoy in-game, I love PvE and PvP each for different reasons.  

I enjoy casual PvP with my friends, goofing around and either rolling or getting rolled. For better or worse, we stick together and get those Iron Banana bounties finished. PvE of course has all of that juicy lore, and that has always been a driving factor in my love for the game. Raid day with my clan is every Friday, and it’s a day I start looking forward to on Saturday morning the week before. I’m lucky enough that my best friends play the game, and we’ve gotten to experience so much of it together. From everyday bounties to day-one raids, it’s just nice to be able to connect with the people I love despite the distance between us.  

I’ve said it so many times before, but Destiny provides a universe in which I love to exist. The depth of the lore, the beauty of my surroundings, engaging activities like dungeons and raids… I love it all.  

I’ve been into a few of your art streams and honestly (as seen in the photos above) you are magically talented, and your community is filled with some of the kindest beans I have met on the internet. 

Alright, you know I’ve got to ask. What is your main class and your absolute favorite weapons? 

Oh, boy. “Who do you main?” or anything along those lines is always a polarizing question and I am afraid I might have a rather boring answer. I have mained Hunter from the very beginning, creating my Titan and Warlock a few months into Destiny 2. This Season, however— with the release of Void 3.0 — I have a much harder time picking one character over the others. I’ve been saying a lot recently that before Season 16 I have never experienced a Season where I didn’t prefer one over the rest. Right now, I honestly love them all for different reasons. And I always keep my characters lookin’ fresh… Calliope’s Lullaby on Orpheus Rigs with the Seasonal Eververse armor? Chef’s kiss.  

 As far as weapons go, Huckleberry will always be my baby and I still very much enjoy using Cartesian Coordinate, despite no longer having the particle deconstruction mod (insert “look how they massacred my boy” meme here). Back in the day, Better Devils was my PvP mainstay, and 21% Delirium was a blast in PvE. You’ll still find me zooming around the crucible with some kind of Hand Cannon in hand. Also, my friends and I have an understanding that if I put on three Shotguns, it's gremlin time and I will be booping everything off the map. Let me live my life.  

You may have to teach me the way of the Shotgun because this (*cough* I’ve been playing for 6 years *cough*) Warlock still cannot figure out how to hit the broad side of a barn with one. What kind of vibe does your channel maintain?   

If you were to ask my community, I think the top descriptive words would probably be cozy and friendly… and Ruby (my little canine companion, she’s honestly the star of the show).  I have a relatively soft voice and a lot of people seem to find it relaxing, so adding the gently detailed brushstrokes of an art stream or the rhythmic sound of a knife on a cutting board makes for an especially tranquil setting. Destiny streams vary widely, sometimes they’re calm and sometimes they tend to be full of… I’m not sure what to call it, other than manic gremlin energy. Some days I will laugh-cry until my makeup is running down my face.

Whatever the feel of the stream may be that day, it will always be a safe space. We’ll respect your pronouns, we’ll celebrate your wins, and we’ll commiserate with you on the days that feel like losses. We can have open and honest discussions about mental health and laugh at cat meme videos in the span of one stream.  I couldn’t even begin to say how grateful I am for my community.  

Anything fun coming up or any events you are particularly excited for?  

I’ve just started a new painting of the Nine Lives Shell! I’m going to do a charity raffle for it once it’s finished. I haven’t quite nailed down the details, but I’ll have all of the info on my Twitter at the end of the month. 

Beyond that, I have about a million different Destiny-related art pieces I want to work on in the coming months, so there will be a lot of art streams to look forward to. I do cooking streams pretty often (they’ve been on pause alongside the release of The Witch Queen), and so Sundays will soon be for cooking streams once again. The March 27th stream will be Destiny themed! 

I love that even your paint pallet is its own beautiful piece of art. And Destiny themed cooking stream on Sunday! *insert googly eyes here* Where can people find you? 

I stream on Twitch four or five evenings per week, usually starting between 4 and 6 pm Pacific. My schedule does vary though. The easiest way to keep up with me is on Twitter or Discord! 

You can also find me on TikTok and Instagram. If you’re swinging by Taco Bell, I’m two spicy potato tacos and some chips and cheese (and a Baja Blast, obviously), thank you. 

Potato tacos for the win! Anything else you want to add?   

Destiny has brought an immeasurable number of enriching moments to my life. With each passing Season, I find more things to love about the game itself and the community at large. I am so grateful for the friends I’ve made and the bonds we’ve forged.  

To all of the Bungie employees that have and continue to make Destiny what it is: I am incredibly grateful to be able to enjoy every bit of it. Thank you for bringing a little bit of magic into our daily lives. I am so enamored with what you’ve created, and I am so excited for everything that’s on the horizon. 

To my stream community:  Your support over the years has been unconditional and invaluable. I feel endlessly lucky to know and interact with all of you every day. Thank you for allowing me to share with you, grow with you, and experience this game I cherish with you. To be able to share my passion for games, cooking, and even art… I’ve struck gold.  

Alright sweet beans, that is it for this week’s Community Focus. I know I speak for the entire team when I say thank you for all of the tags, the kind words, and the support you have shown our Community Focus posts. If you didn’t read last week’s Community Focus with Hippy and Silver, you should go do that now! We hope you all have a great weekend exploring and please don’t forget to tag Liana, Cozmo, Dylan, or myself on Twitter with who you want to see featured in a future Community Focus. 

*high fives* 

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