Destiny 2 Security Update

Aug 24, 2021 - Destiny Dev Team

During today’s Destiny 2 Showcase we announced that we added BattlEye anti-cheat software to run alongside the game. Here are some more details on what this means and how it will affect your experience. We also have a few important policy updates on game security to share as well.  


We added BattlEye along with update 3.3.0 today to boost our anti-cheat security and enable us to detect more active cheats. We want to be clear that this is not a silver bullet fix that will end all cheating in Destiny forever. This is another step in our strategy to combat cheats and improve our detection and banning methods.   

BattlEye will launch with automatic banning disabled while we test at scale in the live game to ensure accuracy. Once we are satisfied with the results, we will allow it to automatically issue bans without a manual review sometime before Trials of Osiris goes live on September 10. 

Anti-cheat solutions require some additional system resources to keep watch and you may see some reduction in frames and performance after Update 3.3.0 goes live. The new service will also increase the initial startup of the game. BattlEye’s driver only runs while Destiny runs. It doesn’t stick around outside of that.  

We want to note that some software is incompatible with BattlEye but will not cause bans. BattlEye may block the software, and prevent you from starting Destiny while the software runs, or kick you from the game (temporarily) if it detects the software after Destiny launches. For more information you can visit the BattlEye FAQ here: BattlEye –» FAQ

One Two Punch 

While we continue to iterate  on our game security as our primary focus to combat cheaters, we also expanded the fight outside of the digital realm. You may have heard through some public filings that we took legal action against cheat makers to shut them down at the source. When the opportunity arises, we invite other developers and publishers to join these lawsuits to make them even more impactful. 

We are having a lot of success with this strategy and will continue to use it to help protect our game and its competitive environment. But don’t worry – we strongly believe that the legal approach should only supplement, and never replace, our anti-cheat efforts. Our security engineers are will still focus on in-game security solutions. It’s a team effort and we continue to work to remove cheating from our game.   

Win Trading 

Bungie defines win trading as intentionally granting other players wins in PvP activities. This includes but is not limited to manipulating matchmaking by any means to force-match with specific opponents or coordinating with opponents to provide uncontested victories. We are now targeting players for bans who are actively engaging in win trading. Our ultimate goal is protecting the competitive environment of PVP by removing the ability to bypass the effort that players put in to earn rewards. Play fair, keep it clean. 

Account Recoveries 

Account recoveries are when a player gives someone else access to their platform account and control of their Destiny characters. This not only puts your account security at risk, but it can also have adverse effects on other players’ experiences in competitive matchmade activities. Starting this Season, participating as a buyer or seller of account recovery services could result in a ban on your account. While we will only be placing bans or restrictions for certain circumstances, we strongly recommend that you never give your account login information to anyone else.  

Not recommended, but won’t get you banned: 
  • Sometimes I let my kid grind Lost Sectors.  
  • I asked my cousin’s friend to recover my account to check Xur because I was stuck at a wedding in a remote area with no internet access.  
  • My roommates and I all share an account on the common room’s console. 
  • I let my friend borrow my account to try out a weapon roll.  

What could get you banned or restricted:  
  • Charging others to recover their account for boosting, earning items, completing content, etc. 
  • Recovering accounts in exchange for anything of value including but not limited to Patreon supporters, subscribers, follows, gift cards, etc. 
  • Paying someone to recover your account to be boosted, have items earned, etc. 
  • Boosting recoveries done for free can also result in bans or restrictions.   

What could happen if I pay someone to recover my account? 
  • Temporary or permanent bans may be applied to your account if you are using paid recovery services. 
  • You are responsible for the security of your account and bans will be applied if someone else is detected cheating on your account or your account benefits from being in a fireteam with other cheaters. 
  • Bungie will not recover any lost items or progression if you or the person/service you share your login information with deletes anything.  
This is not a comprehensive list of all circumstances that could result in bans or restrictions and Bungie reserves the right to action accounts at our discretion.  



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