Happy Bungie Day

Jul 7, 2017 - Cozmo_BNG

Happy Bungie Day, Guardians.

“Really, Bungie? You named a holiday after yourselves?”

No! Our community started this tradition. We swear! It was years ago now, but someone got the idea that the seventh day of the seventh month would be a good time to celebrate their favorite memories from playing our games. We have no idea where they got the idea to lean so hard into the number seven, but we threw our arms around the new ritual nonetheless.

Today is a party in your honor. You are the main characters in our world – the heroes who breathe life and bravery into our creations. Were you to ask people who work at Bungie, they would likely tell you that we don’t make games. We build communities. The games are a fantastic means to the glorious end of people coming together to kill aliens and become friends.

You complete us. Let’s celebrate! To throw a proper party, you need some crucial ingredients…


Check out these wallpapers. We think they’d look nice on your favorite device.


Bungie Day isn’t necessarily a costume party, but you can’t stop a Cosplayer if they want to be fabulous like that. Where there is a will, there is a way to create a personal suit of armor. We do, however, see requests for reference art.

Something nice to wear

What’s that? You can’t make your own clothes? Don’t feel bad. Cosplayers are a very special breed. Thankfully, the Bungie Store has the rest of us covered. There is even a sale on!

A place to gather

Bungie Day is really more of a virtual celebration. How ‘bout we make this one a barn dance? The Destiny 2 Beta is just around the corner. We hope to see everyone there. If you didn’t see the new details that broke yesterday, check them out.


This is where you come in. If you attend a party, you should always bring something. All we want from you are your memories. What has been your finest moment in Destiny? Take a moment to upload it to the Creations page.

Bungie Day Film Festival
Title: #BungieDayFilmFest (Your Title Here)
Description: I grant Bungie permission to use my content in a video they create to celebrate the community. I assert that this content is my own.

Show us what you got. We’re planning a final multi-media hurrah before we all move on to Destiny 2. It will be unveiled at PAX West. If you tag your submission properly, you just might make the cut.

Party Favors

We didn’t want you to leave our party empty handed. We have some codes down below that will secure you early access in the upcoming Beta for Destiny 2. If you were not fast enough to grab one of them, keep an eye on me today and all next week. I'll be giving out more on Bungie.net, Reddit, Twitter, and anywhere else Destiny players are found. 


We hope this Bungie Day finds you well, and eager for new action. This is an exciting time to be a Guardian. Over the past three years, we’ve had the chance to redefine the Bungie Community through a new lens. It’s been our supreme pleasure to get acquainted with you as a Hunter, a Titan, or a Warlock.

We’re eager to do it all over again. Destiny 2 will change many things, but we know it won’t change the fact that this community is home to amazing people. Let’s assemble right here next year and take stock of some of the new faces who have joined our ranks.

Thank you for who you are. And, thank you for who you will be in the next phase of our journey together. 

Happy Bungie Day.

<3 Cozmo

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