Jul 7, 2016 - DeeJ

This week at Bungie we’re celebrating Bungie Day!

“Really, Bungie? You invented a holiday and named it after yourselves?”
You must be new here. Don’t feel bad about that. Welcome to the party!

A Brief History:
  • Bungie Day was created by the community ten years ago
  • Like all great community creations, we embraced it
  • This is a day to celebrate your achievements

The seventh day of the seventh month is when we put forth our best effort to recognize the amazing people you are and the fantastic things that you do. This is a thing we do every day, but Bungie Day is special. As the players of our games, you complete us. You are the main characters in the stories we tell. You are the heroes and the protectors of the worlds that we create.

Illustration Credit: Kevin Raganit

Coincidentally, this Bungie Day also marks the advent of our 25th year in making kick ass games. We couldn’t have done it without passionate players just like you. Check out the long, strange trip that our company history has been.

Thanks for the memories. There are more to come. We hope you’ll join us for the journeys we have in store for the future.

Now, let’s get down!

Another Year. Another Triumph.

Ever since we issued the first invitation to play Destiny, we’ve been challenging the Guardians to become legend. But what does that mean? Where do we set the bar for the elite members of this brave community?

Last year, we answered those questions when we unveiled Moments of Triumph, a gauntlet of impressive feats of daring and skill. For those Guardians who could meet the challenge, there were rewards to define their status as one of the most dangerous warriors in the Tower. This year, we’re also tracking your progress toward immortality in the game.

Before you have the chance to fight your way to the top of Felwinter Peak, we have another mountain for you to climb. See the Postmaster right now to begin tabulating your journey. You can also keep track of your progress right here on Bungie.net. Is your Profile Page more impressive than this?

For every two challenges that you complete, there will be a new reward. If you can complete all of them, you’ll unlock an offering in the Bungie Store that will enable you to commemorate your complete triumph over evil. 

As a Guardian who has met every challenge in the Director, you deserve a garment that bears their name. Even better, your purchase of this customizable t-shirt will benefit the Bungie Foundation, making you a protector of the real world as well. This isn’t just a chance to personalize your gear. You’ll be joining us in a mission of charity and goodwill.

The march begins now! Some of you may have already crossed the finish line. The rest of you have until September 20th. When Lord Saladin sounds the new charge to battle, the old challenges will pass into memory – and legend.

Gear Up and Change the World

When we play Destiny, we define ourselves by the armor we wear. Upon inspection, we reveal ourselves as champions of the Crucible, expert Raiders, or KinderGuardians in sore need of new teammates. In the real world, the Bungie Store is our Quartermaster.

Check out the Bungie Day wares. It’s got all the fashions and baubles you need to demonstrate to the world that you’re an agent of the Light. You can even put a monument to yourself on your shelf.

Make a purchase this week, and we’ll help you stand out in a crowd in the game, too! Until July 13th, as a special thanks for your order, the 7-7 Ad Infinitum Emblem can be yours.

Best of all, when you do business with the Bungie Store, you’re making the world you live in a better place. Every dollar we earn from your purchases goes to charity. The Bungie Foundation is our beneficiary – the arm of our good works.

Check out the announcement on the Bungie Foundation blog. Just like the Guardians you bring to life, you have a chance to protect those in need of a hero. We'd be honored to have you as our ally.

Hosts with the Most

Every party needs someone to point the guests in the right direction. For Bungie Day, just like every day, that honor falls to Destiny Player Support.

Year Two Moments of Triumph Vital Information
Available from July 7th, 2016 through 10:00 AM PDT on September 20th, 2016, Year Two Moments of Triumph is available to players who own Destiny: The Taken King. The Year Two Moments of Triumph Guided Support is now available on help.bungie.net, featuring a guided flow for players looking to learn more about this limited time event. Please note the following:
  • After receiving the Year Two Moments of Triumph Record Book, players should immediately log in to each Destiny Character to ensure that all progress is recorded. If a Character is deleted prior to completing this step, players may lose progress toward the Year Two Moments of Triumph Record Book.
  • Players must have space within the Materials section of their inventory to retrieve the Year Two Moments of Triumph Record Book.
  • If discarded, the Year Two Moments of Triumph Record Book can be re-acquired from an Eververse Trading Co. storefront at no cost. Year Two Moments of Triumph rewards may be re-acquired from the Shader and Emblem Collections in the Tower.
  • Discarding the Year Two Moments of Triumph Record Book will not impact previously made Triumph progression.

Bungie Store 7-7 Ad Infinitum Emblem Promotion Details
In celebration of Bungie Day, players who complete a purchase at the Bungie Store between July 7th, 2016 and July 13th, 2016 at 11:59 PM PDT will receive a one-time use code for the in-game 7-7 Ad Infinitum Destiny Emblem. This one-time use code will be sent to the purchasing email address following final order confirmation, and may be redeemed at Bungie.net/Redeem. For additional information concerning this promotion, please see this Help Article. If you have any issues concerning your Bungie Store order, or 7-7 Ad Infinitum Emblem code, follow this link to Bungie Store Customer Service.   

If you have any additional questions concerning the Bungie Day Events or Promotions, let us know by posting a thread in the #Help forum.

We hope you enjoy your Bungie Day in some deeply personal way. Whether it’s realizing your triumphs, creating art, scoring some gear, or just shooting some aliens in the face with your friends, the day is yours. It’s an honor to have you as a member of this community, so celebrate yourself - and each other.

Stick around, Guardians. With a full quarter-century of making games under our collective belt, it still feels like we’re just getting started. All these years later, we still have hearts filled with big dreams and bold ambitions. Without players who are eager for new adventures, there would be no point, so we’ll take this as yet another chance to thank you for playing.

Love, Bungie.
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