Community Focus - Destiny Trials Report

Jun 29, 2016 - Cozmo_BNG

Before any battle, it’s always beneficial to have Intel. Knowing your opponents strengths and weaknesses and what to expect from them can often be the difference between victory and defeat. Trials of Osiris is one of the most competitive activities in Destiny, offering highly coveted awards for those who are victorious. We spoke with a talented group who created a site that gives you an instant scouting report on those who would stand in your way of making it to the Lighthouse. 

Before we get started, I want to remind you that we are putting new coversheets on the DTR Reports before they go out now. Did you get the memo?

DTR: Yeah, sorry about that, we got the memo right here. I wouldn’t bother your employees with it too much though, it would be a shame if the development on Destiny would be stalled because of a big office fire.

Now that we took care of that, tell us a bit about who you are and what you do here. Where have you claimed territory online?

DTR: Hello! We are Destiny Trials Report and we can be found at or by our short link:

Destiny Trials Report provides its users with the necessary stats to give them a competitive advantage in the Trials of Osiris. While flying in to your next match, simply look up your opponents and you’ll find all the information you need in order to crush their hopes and dreams. By providing all of these stats in a fast and easy to use interface, we hope to be the best Trials companion around. If you’re not using Trials Report and your opponents are, best of luck to you! You’re going to need it.

You can also find us on Twitter: @TrialsReport.

Your UI is easy to use. Can you tell us more about everything there is to see on Trials Report?

DTR: After searching for an opponent, you get information about their kill/death ratio, their loadout, and how they’ve been faring in their Trials matches so far. Since we save a lot of data ourselves, we are also able to display their flawless count and weekly stats as well.

In addition, we track and publish current map and weapon statistics (some of it is supplied by the lovely creators of, including how many Guardians have been playing and going flawless every week. We also track the first Fireteams to reach the Lighthouse, which has unleashed a fierce race within the community. Lastly, you are able to view all of your characters’ data in one overview here.

I assume there are several people involved with keeping the site up and running. Introduce everyone and give us a report on their favorite subclass.

Vlad: My name is Vlad (VlakatafakatA on PSN) and I am the creator and maintainer of the site. When I’m not playing Trials of Osiris, I’m a Web Developer and a father to an 8 month old son with one more kid on the way in November. I used to run Gunslinger, but have very recently switched over to my Striker.

Steffan: Hey! I’m Steffan (Steffwiz on PSN). I mostly handle the server-side coding and server infrastructure. Occasionally, I lend a hand on the front-end, but Vlad handles most of the coding, and Mark’s design skills are unmatched. I would say my favorite subclass is Sunbreaker, but recently I’ve been playing a lot of Striker.

Joel: Hello, my name is Joel (LeBrometheus on PSN) and I run the Twitter for the site. When I’m not playing or thinking about Destiny, I am working on getting my BBA in Marketing Management. Since the first day of the PS4 Alpha, my main subclass has been Striker, though I do switch around and play the others too from time to time.

Mark: Hello! I’m Mark (Marruk on Xbox Live) from lovely little Holland where I earn my living as a digital designer and developer during the day. In the evenings, I work on the front-end of Trials Report. At night, I toss as many smoke bombs at my feet as I can and pretend I’m Batman.

You've got a diverse Fireteam of outstanding individuals. What first inspired your team to come together to work on the site?

Vlad: The initial build was something I wrote about a year ago as a hobby project to improve my web development knowledge with AngularJS. Huge shoutout to Reddit user /u/Kaphis for the inspiration. I remember when I shared the link with Steffan in our party chat during a VoG run. I had just registered the domain name and honestly thought it would never stick, afterwards he wouldn’t stop sending me bug reports so I decided to put him on the project with me. The positive feedback from our friends helped us continue making improvements and then it really took off once it hit the front page of the Destiny subreddit.

Steffan: I’ve always enjoyed tracking down bugs and improving code, so when Vlad showed the website to me initially, I couldn’t resist. We worked together to fix bugs, and it wasn’t long before we had a fully functioning site on our hands.

Mark: The Destiny subreddit is where I learned about Destiny Trials Report. I used it on all my quests for the Lighthouse from that point onwards. Despite the usefulness, it was safe to say it wasn’t the prettiest site around. After I couldn’t take it anymore, I decided to redesign it and show it to Vlad and Steffan. They liked it, and the three of us have been working on improving the site and adding new features in our free time ever since.

The site is working great. Is there anything you are planning on adding in the future?

Vlad: We are planning on releasing an iOS and Android application in the next few weeks.
The app will contain a lot of features we can’t add on the site due to the inability to have a Bungie login. We can’t really go into details just yet since we are still in development, but we are really excited to release it. Big thank you to Designker, the creator of the Ishtar Commander app, for helping us with the development process.

Steffan: We’re always looking to add new features, but are often limited by the available space. Especially on mobile we have to make a lot of hard decisions to make sure the most important information is shown first. We really rely on the community here to know which stats are most important. Recently, we introduced options to customize the stats you see, but it’s still a challenge. The last thing we want is to clutter the interface with every statistic we can get our hands on.

Mobile app confirmed! Other than Trials of Osiris, what other activities do you enjoy in Destiny?

Vlad: I used to love being the designated Relic runner in VoG or the Sword bearer on CE, but since my Destiny time has been limited recently, I only play Trials or Iron Banner.

Joel: I try to keep the game as fresh as possible by doing a bit of Strike grinding or getting a Raid completed, but my favorite activities have always been centered around fighting in the Crucible. While I do enjoy any of the 3v3 playlists, the thrill of coming out on top after a strenuous Trials match is the most exhilarating aspect of Destiny for me. However, throwing down the gauntlet in the Iron Banner still holds a special place in my heart as a place to go spend some quality time with friends and get some great gear at the same time.

Mark: I will never forget my first Vault of Glass run, screwing around way too long in the Gorgons’ Labyrinth at 3 AM. With “Kiss from a Rose” by Seal on the background we just kept on going. And what a feeling it was when Atheon was finally defeated. Nowadays, I go back to the Vault from time to time to remember those good old days.

Steffan: While I enjoy every aspect of Destiny, I’ve always enjoyed Raiding the most. There really is no experience like solving the puzzles in a Raid for the first time. I’ve been there for the grand opening of every raid so far in Destiny, and I’m eagerly awaiting the arrival of the next Raid coming in Rise of Iron.
What would you like to see added or changed about Destiny in the future?

Vlad: One day, I would love to see Bastion as the Trials map where the heavy round is replaced with an “Interceptor” round. Also, a request involving the Bungie API, we would love to see OAuth support added anytime soon. This would be a game changer for a lot of us 3rd party developers, allowing players to securely log into their Bungie accounts.

Joel: I’m a very sentimental player when it comes to gear. I have hope that, with the current infusion system in place, the gear we are currently using could come forward with us through the rest of the ever-expanding Destiny universe. I would love to one day have my first Legendary weapon, a New Monarchy Vanquisher VIII, equipped when I take it on a Raid eight years from now. I also dream of using the Longbow I learned to snipe with during The Dark Below in endgame PvP content, but I’ll just have to wait and see.

Steffan: I would love to see the Raids in Destiny updated to the current max light levels. Vault of Glass was one of the most exciting activities in Destiny, and being able to experience that challenge again at max light level is something I crave.

Mark: As a former Halo player, I would be the happiest with a glorious return of the BXR. If you could just go on and add that to your game, that would be great.

This weekend, if you are brave enough to compete in the Trials of Osiris, give Destiny Trials Report a try. See if it helps you get the competitive edge on your opponents. Knowledge is power!

We are always on the hunt for new players to feature. If you know of any, post your suggestion on our Community forum with the tag #CommunityFocus.

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