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9/9/2014 11:05:46 AM

WOW... Destiny... sucks actually :(

I have to say, so far I am extremely disappointed with Destiny, so much so that I'm thinking about going back to Gamestop and asking for a refund or an exchange. I never buy video games except once a year or two because they're expensive and I just don't spend much time on entertainment, so I try to make sure what I do buy is definitely going to be great. And I've been a Bungie fan ever since Halo CE came out, so I felt sure Destiny was going to be really fun. But so far, I've made it to the moon a bit past finding the dead guardian... and Destiny has been boring. The multiplayer is terrible. It's like FC3 level quality, and FC3 didn't really even try much at all with their multiplayer. I also dislike how Bungie copied FC3's highlighted in red player who killed you mechanic. It just looks really bad and low quality. For a game like this, if some player who killed you indicator was necessary, then Bungie should have gone to the trouble of putting in a high quality kill cam mechanic, not FC3's low quality highlighter mechanic. However, I honestly don't see anything good at all in the multiplayer. In fact Destiny's multiplayer is so bad that it has me questioning if Halo 2 and 3 actually had as good of multiplayers as I always thought. I'm disappointed and surprised to be disappointed right now.

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  • I think you're probably just really bad at PvP and that's why you think it sucks :) :) (: (:

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  • I agree bungie took a great game and screwed it up. No longer can gamers try nightfall on their own . No longer can they attempt strikes on their own. No longer can an individual test their own skills. Instead we have have to put up with level matched plebs . Bungie should allow for those who wish to test their gaming skills without the backup of a so called clan. They should allow a pathway for those who wish to try to take on nightfall a d raids on their own. I am so fissed off with d2 that my current game is resi evil remastered. Get a grip or loose the player forum and the money they give you. Zombiegrandpa666

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  • ok

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  • Started a new topic: DESTINY IS BORING

  • I like the game, i just hate that everytime i buy a dlc, which by the way cost as much as a full game now, they add a brand new one that completely blocks me out of doing most nightfalls the daily heroics, and i also have no choice of what pvp i want to play they section it off so i have to play everything. Bungie really doesnt focus on the players but more on their corporate greed by making the game playable for 2 months per dlc and then adding a new one that limits previous gameplay.

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  • Ok

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  • Hopefully, they can make a "fix" to where yo can play solo and offline.

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  • I agree, I thought that destiny would be a great game because of halo, but when the game came out and I started playing, I then realized that it's an "online only" game. This really sucks because in 5-6 years (maybe, just guessing) will be a case with a disc that's entirely useless.

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  • Same here

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  • Selfres bump

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  • [quote]I have to say, so far I am extremely disappointed with Destiny, so much so that I'm thinking about going back to Gamestop and asking for a refund or an exchange. I never buy video games except once a year or two because they're expensive and I just don't spend much time on entertainment, so I try to make sure what I do buy is definitely going to be great. And I've been a Bungie fan ever since Halo CE came out, so I felt sure Destiny was going to be really fun. But so far, I've made it to the moon a bit past finding the dead guardian... and Destiny has been boring. The multiplayer is terrible. It's like FC3 level quality, and FC3 didn't really even try much at all with their multiplayer. I also dislike how Bungie copied FC3's highlighted in red player who killed you mechanic. It just looks really bad and low quality. For a game like this, if some player who killed you indicator was necessary, then Bungie should have gone to the trouble of putting in a high quality kill cam mechanic, not FC3's low quality highlighter mechanic. However, I honestly don't see anything good at all in the multiplayer. In fact Destiny's multiplayer is so bad that it has me questioning if Halo 2 and 3 actually had as good of multiplayers as I always thought. I'm disappointed and surprised to be disappointed right now.[/quote] The game is now bad taken king ruined the game everything went stupid the pvp just annoying Ass hell and the people they just sit in one spot of the map with snipers and Midas nothing else and they get exotic engrams for there supreme camping and I get a damn bule ghost shell for trying THANKS BUNGIE

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  • U -blam!-ing dumbass the game starts out booting but what I kinda think is that taken king ruined destiny BC I had full crota raid heart and full poe gear and now its fawkin USELESS I just got taken kingnso ya

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  • Edited by Ubergoat129: 9/26/2014 5:12:21 AM
    We aren't posting negative criticism for no reason. We are posting this because the developer needs to know what they did wrong so they can hopefully correct it quickly. The crappiness of multiplayer isn't just opinion anymore, it's a fact. People can have fun and talk about it like the Crucible is perfect for them all they want, but that doesn't hide the fact that the multiplayer is completely unbalanced and annoying to the point of driving players away after a short while. We compare Destiny to other FPS games because Bungie needs to know what their game is doing wrong that other games have succeeded in doing to make their game fun and replayable. We don't post criticism just so a child can reply saying "if you don't like it then don't play it". That doesn't make the game or future games better. The entire community that will inevitably quit playing the game will cause the franchise to fail. The game needs to be fixed and this is the only way that can happen because Bungie obviously didn't pay anyone to play test the fun factor of the game. Examples being having counters to the Supers in Crucible. There is absolutely no reason for Supers to be in multiplayer when they aren't rewards for going on killstreaks and have no counter to them. Guaranteed kills don't serve any kind of purpose if there isn't a way to counter them; i.e. hiding in buildings in COD if there's air support. I don't see any way they can create a balance with the Supers unless they make them killstreak rewards and if not then why have them in the Crucible? The radar needs to go to Halos blip type. If they're going to have shielded players that can run around shotgunning anyone in their way then they need to have a counter to that, because unloading a clip into the person while they're dashing at you doesn't cut. Go back to Halo radar so players can have better awareness and can stand a chance when shotgun rushers are around. Aside from those two things that make multiplayer completely annoying they need to have more than 4 normal-sized maps and put the two big maps in some other gametype playlist. Everyone should agree it's not fun dying on the big maps and being forced to hop on your bike just to get back in the action. And the other 4 maps get really old playing them back to back to back. The guns themselves have absolutely no balance in multiplayer. Clearly only a select few of the guns are advantageous in PvP. This causes you to run the same guns every single game. In Halo you could drop a shotgun rusher with a DMR, in this game you don't remotely stand a chance with a scout rifle, pulse rifle, and most of the assault rifles. Why on earth would you make it so that you have to use the certain, clearly-made-for, PvP guns just to be on a level playing field with the smart players who also know what's good in PvP? How many people have you heard complain about PvP because they can't kill people? It's because not everyone can determine what guns have an advantage or because they assume it'll be balanced like Halo when it isn't. It just doesn't make any sense why they don't have a separate gun selection for PvP mode so that anyone can get in the Crucible and be on a fair playing field. For solo mode there isn't much I can see Bungie change to make it replayable. There's no way they can make the AI more challenging given the nature of how any level player can join your area in Patrols. Having only four planets to do missions on, meaning having only four different terrains, makes all the missions for that planet feel the same and there isn't enough change to make them appealing to play over and over. The bounties need more variety. Doing the same exact bounties each day only ruin the replayability of the game faster cuz it's literally just repatative at that point. And after playing for two weeks any player should already have a full legendary/exotic loadout so there isn't any point in doing bounties to get better gear in the first place. The strikes fell into the same pointlessness because the difficulty maxes out and it has no challenge to the 27+ level players. With all that being said the only challenge at this point are raids, but since you need a full team of intelligent people to play with and they take hours to finish that's not even something to look forward too after the first playthrough. After you hit 27 and get your exotics there is nothing to do in the game that's exciting anymore, especially with multiplayer being as annoying as it is now. The grinding that so many MMO lovers praised about (all you kids that said "if you're buying Destiny for the multiplayer youre a dumbass"), well nice job trying to look cool cuz that so called grind only lasted two weeks. Now there is nothing to grind for. Do other MMOs have things to grind for after two weeks of playing? There needs to be more replayability for solo players cuz you darn well not even half the people playing Destiny have the friends or will-power to hunt down a team for raids. And being sent back to orbit when you die in solo nightfall strikes isn't remotely fun when it happens over and over. An not that this can be fixed, but every enemy race has absolutely no personality and they all have the same stupid AI. They act like stiff robots that just stand around and the only challenge they give is the shields causing them to have a higher defense than the player. There is no strategy at all when playing story missions or strikes. Also, what is the point in even making the planets instances? There is absolutely no reason for there to be other players in the same area as you. You cant talk to them, you don't need their help cuz you can just flick the enemy's to kill them... it's like the only reason they made Destiny instance-based is to incorporate public events, yet public events only last two minutes, you have to wait 30 minutes between each one, and there's only 1-3 other players that would participate in the first place. Public events aren't these fun, massive battles Bungie made them out to be, they're hardly even worth playing in. What Bungie needs to do to make this game replayable is completely overhaul the Crucible- add more maps, balance the guns, add more game types, and fix the annoying things. Then they need to add more matchmaking game types. There is a reason so many games lately have horde modes- because they are fun and replayable. This game would benefit greatly from a horde mode. The wave-based public events would be a great start, just make them last 30 waves longer and let us go straight to it instead of making it a public event you have to wait 30 minutes to do in Patrol. But at this point the strike missions and raids aren't going to contribute at all to the longevity of the game, other modes needs to be introduced.

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    20 Replies
    • All I can say is that you're missing the best parts of the game (the raids, iron banner, trials of osiris, downing 35 Skolas first time and, best of all, finding that team you just click with). Going solo the game can get boring fast. If you think it's worth it, hit someone up after a strike, get to know them. If not, then sorry you didn't enjoy the ride.

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      4 Replies
      • Lol @ everybody who comes here all salty without checking the year it was posted.

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        2 Replies
        • You only got to the moon and decided it wasn't worth it? So like an hour of playtime at most? Lol, wow.

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          2 Replies
          • Yay now go away because honestly who gives a shit if one idiot leaves?

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            2 Replies
            • What, was this like an anniversary necro bump? Gotta remember for next September.

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            • Wow! This is old. This is from the day Destiny released. We must preserve this thread so future Destiny players can see how much Destiny sucked when it launched.

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              6 Replies
              • Lol I totally agreed with you back then. Even now it's still boring. HaloMCC multiplayer is way better.

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              • Bump

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              • Edited by GhostlyWolfy: 10/12/2015 10:37:18 PM

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                • Day 1 post

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                • Edited by dayovin: 10/2/2015 5:22:44 AM
                  Stop using electrical things

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                • Hi

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                  3 Replies
                  • Wonder if he ever got his money back lol

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