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Edited by Fawkzi: 9/28/2014 3:16:12 AM

Fist of Havoc: The Panic Button.

I've been around these boards on this account since the Alpha, i took part in Alpha, I took part in the Beta and obviously i came back for launch, in all that time i have heard a lot of the same arguments. "The Golden Gun is bullshit, Hunters are so OP, The GG needs to be nerfed" (coming from every person who doesn't play a hunter) and "Fist of Havoc isn't a Panic Button! IT TAKES SKILL AND TIMING!" (Coming from the majority of Titan players rushing to defend their class) Today i expericed something that...i still can't even find the words to describe. First off, i don't care that i got killed, i stream my PvP games even though i know that i'm not the greatest destiny player in the world, i don't play 100 games hoping to get a good one that i can record and make myself look beast, i record when i feel like recording and keep it going even if i ended up going 0.1 in the previous game, i simply do not care about deaths or being superproleetskills. With that said, watch the video so i can end two arguments in one. thank you.

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  • Edited by Saboteur-6: 9/29/2014 1:54:13 PM
    There might be some invuln frames with Havoc startup, just like Golden Gun... Can we collectively move past whining about everyone elses Super please?

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    • Edited by CaptainChortles: 10/1/2014 2:11:24 AM
      We learned that the Striker in the video had Unstoppable equipped. Thus, he had the following abilities. >3-4 panic kills a game. Oh, my. How OP. He can panic kill 3-4 players a game and... wait, that's it. He can't teleport. He can't Shoulder Charge because he took Unstoppable. He has the shortest melee range in the game of any melee ability and it still takes two hits to kill like everyone else. He has a flashbang with a small radius and delayed explosion that's hit me once in the past thirty matches, a pulse grenade that barely even takes out a quarter of your health and an easy to avoid lightning grenade. No homing swarm grenades, no hugely damaging proximity explosives, no OHKO sticky grenades, no overshield on melee hit with extended range, no invisibility when crouching, no coming back to life, no bubble of buffing doom, no OHKO melee from behind with massive range. Just a single, stupid panic button. That's why I stopped using Striker with Untouchable, the "OP" Titan that can Super through Supers. Because it gets NOTHING ELSE useful when you're NOT panic killing those 3-4 guys a match, which most of the time I'm not, since my average kills per match is >20. If they want to get that handful of panic kills, then they can have them.

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      • [b][i]In my personal opinion[/i][/b], Titans are the only class that need a serious revamp. I don't understand why the developers made a class that is supposed to be a "tank"; yet weild one hit KO moves, while the DPS class(Hunter) requires two melees to score a kill. (I see Warlocks as "Healers" with revive, and the fact that get double shields for meleeing or something with a blue bar over shields lol) Fist of Havoc is okay, but I'd like them to remove the "flying damage" that hits and kills people that completely dodges the [b]GROUND SHOCKWAVE[/b], by jumping up higher than the Titan's height as it hits the ground. (This also kills people on different floors) The range of it's AoE is bad enough(Keep this), because I do see people dying if they are further away than the animation. Another thing about Fist of Havoc that has to go are the "Aftershocks" that continue to hit after the initial smash. It's bad enough that Fist of Havoc can kill 6+ people/NPC at one time, while being unable to avoid. Also, remove the garunteed one hit melee that they have. Change it to two hits required, unless you hit them from behind. Are they panic buttons? Sure, but they can also be a game changer when a good amount of people are swarming an important objective, but with how easily it can hit, and how [b]impossible[/b] it is to dodge, they need a few small changes to balance it to fair gameplay. FoH is the only super I see being unfair towards others because it is [b]unavoidable[/b]. The Defender class is just fine to me, because it protects, and leaves shotgun opennings if people want to rush inside the bubble to fight. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For people saying every class has a panic button super is wrong. You can't "panic" out of a situation with Golden Gun or Bladedancer, because you HAVE to do it out of the enemies line of sight, or you are easily dead and lose that super(Unlike Titans and Warlocks if they haven't changed since Beta) My honest opinion is that Warlocks and Hunters are pretty balanced for PvP. Both require aim, have vulnerable points(Revive losing radar for a few seconds vs Activation Animaitons of GG/BD), and can be avoided if timed right. They can't one hit melee you, even with their special melees(Execption being Throwing knife if it hits them in the head). I'm probly missing a few points, or have information wrong, but that's what is seen in the Crucible concerning class specifics. [b][i]To be clear, I'm not expecting any changes, so I'll probly end up making a Titan when I reach lvl 29 or 30 and see if it's as OP as I encounter it.[/i] [/b]

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        • Edited by Lo Mein Beyond: 9/29/2014 3:55:33 PM
          The thing you have to understand though is that every super can be used as a "panic button" or last resort, but when you use them in that fashion, you are not using your super to its fullest potential because you're using it as a tool to save your life or get out of a sticky situation. The FoH is probably the most guilty of all supers in this sense. I play as a Titan and I'm not biased to the point where I do not see the problems with this class. That said, skilled players do not use FoH or any other supers as an involuntary panic attack in order to survive (usually a one on one encounter). The FoH can be used to deadly effects if implemented at the right place and right time. Taking out groups, holding key locations, taking out enemies on the other side of barriers using Death from Above, etc. A lot of people are guilty of using their supers as "panic buttons", regardless of which class they play as (so many people use Nova Bomb and Arcblade as panic buttons as well). I've been on both the delivery end and receiving end of these type of "oh shit, better press RB and LB!" situations and to be honest, every time I do it, I always immediately regret wasting my super just to kill (most of the time) one attacker.

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          • I never rage. And rage faggats are just that. A pile if whiny faggats. All ragers need bowls of dicks to slurp on. Hate messages from grown adults. Reported by little kids. Lololol. Stupid wankers. Dudes cannot for the life of them have any measurable self control. Nope they just rage and each time they do a small amount of fecal matter slips out thier gasping butt holes.

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            • Finally a damn post that end arguments rather then starting them! +1[spoiler]Nerf Titans AND Hunters, Titans because you can survive a golden gun shot, hunters because even though fist of havoc is unstoppable he was so close to death a sneeze could have killed him... #Warlock #MasterRace #OneOfUs #One #Of #Us[/spoiler]

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            • As a Titan I can say this with absolute certainty, THAT THE FIST OF HAVOC IS A PANIC BUTTON! IT IS THE GREATEST PANIC BUTTON OF ALL TIME!

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              • You do realize there's a titan perk that makes you practically invincible during the FoH, right?

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              • People need to stop pinning the OP tag on every super move. They're sopposed to be OP, that's the point. If you could kill a bladedancer with a shotgun then that would defeat the pourpose of it being a super move. If a titan and his buddies are facing imminent danger, then he just puts up the ward of dawn so that his teamates are completely safe from nearly any attack. If a warlock uses his solar super then he can just keep spamming grenades while all of his teamates powers regenerate faster. If a hunter uses a golden gun then he only has 3 shots with it, and there is a big chance he could miss one. And most of all, if your team is stupid enough to get bunched together, then any three of the classes could take you out. Weither it be the Fist of havok, the nova bomb that splits into three bolts, or the bladedancer that can easily be avoided if everyone just runs away! I don't see why people get so butthurt over getting killed by super moves. I've had games where practacally everyone on the other team only uses their super move on me. People are just fed up with bladedancer because so many people want to be hunters so they can weir a cape.

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                • Titans are just strong guys, their not mechs like titanfall, what don't you guys understand lol

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                • It's a super. That is all.

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                • Yeah, if a titan is perked for full toughness and they take the "unstoppable" perk in the last branch of their tree (over shoulder tackle and juggernaut) they can survive golden gun with a hair of health left while using FoH. Sure it's powerful, but he had to sacrifice all his agility and a chance at a good ability to do it. I would take solace in the fact that he was likely dumped on for the rest of the match and move on.

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                • Fist of Havoc: Its a super, get used to it.

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                • Shut up, everyone hate's hunters. If anything, the hunter is the OP class cause their power has the range of any gun. A titan has to be somewhat close, and the warlock has to know how much his power is going to arch. a hunter just has to aim and shoot. Or pull out their knife thing and just slaughter everyone in the area cause they teleport.

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                • In the Strike class for the Titan there is a "harder to kill when using Fist of Havoc" thats what gave him the advantage. Playing my Titan I don't always pop FoH right when I get Super. Ill hold on to it for the same reason the Titan did in the video or when a zone is getting taken by a large group. I like to counter other Guardians super with my own. Lot of the times I miss. It takes some time getting it down. just got to tweak your class to your play style.

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                • Okay and what about the guy you killed he had a 0 % chance just like you.

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                • Yup. It definitely is a panic button. They become super armored (my nova bomb cant hurt them, I tried...I cried) and the AoE is insane. I have been decently far away, AND way high up in the air, and still been OHK. Just have to remember that it is not a ranged attack and they suck in solo PVE.

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                  • wait wait wait, you're seriously complaining that you couldn't kill another player with your super and got killed by your super? 1) fist of havoc has an upgrade that makes you harder to kill 2) youre using a SUPER THAT GIVES YOU 3 BULLETS TO KILL 1+ ENEMIES WITH EACH SHOT 3) STOP BITCHING ABOUT ONE INCIDENT

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                  • It looks more like you forgot that fist of havok has a perk to make the user tougher while it's in use (absolutely not unstoppable; the person probably had a sliver of health after that, but super tough). Further more, they used their super to shut down YOUR super, which would have allowed you to get another 2 kills (they probably saw the glow of your gun), which canceled the advantage you had. Maybe it would have been better used on a grouping of enemies, but it's up to each player weather stopping an enemy from getting multiple kills or GETTING multiple kills is more important. There's more to "stratagy" than shooting dudes in the face, and if you wanted to win that bout, you should have assumed they had their super and positioned yourself accordingly, or double tapped.

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                    • What you might have learned is that titans have a skill that reduces the damage they take when activating fist of havoc. Also crucible has the worst detection I've ever seen, sometimes I shotgun+melee someone and by the time my melee hit registers, they've given me 2 melees, I've died and I get a Postmortem medal.

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                    • It looked like it flew right between his legs o.o

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                    • Omg lol. It has been used against me even though I would be an easy kill. Titans just always panic and use it at the dumbest times

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                    • I feel like thats fair however. Yes in that situation FoH comes out on top and was better then golden gun. However getting all 3 kills off a GG is much easier then getting lucky and having 3 foes clumped up for a single FoH. Either way for PVP I find bladedancer better then Golden Gun anywho.

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                    • All of the supers are panic buttons. Op thinks being here a long time makes him less of a mongo.

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                    • Edited by Teddek80: 9/29/2014 3:33:29 PM
                      This asks for a celebration!!! I've been waiting for the day Titan became OP! Cos we all know Titan in its current state sucks major balls!

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                    • I don't even see what the problem is he has a perk that makes him harder to kill when he supers if you could kill him what would be the point of the perk? Besides you got one kill he got one kill stop crying its not like he can just spam his super whenever. If you ask me this wasn't a panic it was a smart play he could have saved it and maybe got a double or triple later instead he saved his life and got a kill maybe saved another team mate assuming you had the chance. Leaving a relatively even score. You call it panic I call it smart play.

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