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Edited by kyuubi_clone: 2/8/2015 11:22:28 PM

Will you buy Destiny 2? - discussion.

well will you? based on the way they've treated the franchise and it's userbase thus far..... please state why or why not. let's all have a healthy discussion about this game and it's future...we get to decide it after all....we'll talk with our wallets!! personally i am done with this franchise after House of Wolves comes out.....never have i ever been so disappointed in a game as i have been with Destiny. and what makes it worse is the sheer lack of content and lack of variety in the little content we did receive. everyday we play over the same missions and bounties, and the DLC has not lessened that monotony. any other game that would hve shipped with the little content that Destiny had shipped with, would have been ridiculed by the press. but wonders never cease in the gaming industry. Destiny short-changed us plain and simple. discuss....

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  • So far i may skip to destiny 3

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  • Yes yes yes

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  • If Destiny 2 is just a continuation of Destiny, like GoW2 to GoW3, then NO I won't buy Destiny 2. If Destiny 2 is actually improved, like ME to ME2, then I will CONSIDER buying it. Bungie lost its credibility with me so I'll be cautious in the future.

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  • Edited by PeepSquasher: 2/15/2015 1:52:01 AM
    HELL NO. They made this game sound Epic with all their hype. It's an Ok game but the RnG sucks ballz. They've shown no concern for the real issues that need fixed. Bungie can shove Destiny 2 up their asses sideways.

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  • I'm torn on this. On the one hand I'm tempted to say "Definitely not at release" like many are. I'm sure they'll have figured out how to overcome some of the content upgrade issues between "expansions" by then. It's hard to say. Definitely no preorder. I'd like to see some reviews and am curious about how they will handle the transition between titles. If I have to start over in D2 there will have to be massive improvements to several things to make me willing to do that. I'd like to see these things added, in general: Bigger groups for strikes/story/patrol, even if it's just one extra fireteam member. New/more varied/bigger random public events, which probably goes along with... Support for more players in each game, both in the hub area and in patrols, etc. A public voice channel that can be switched to in the hub area. I've been randomly invited to people's fireteams or parties from them seeing me on the tower roster. This would be a nice alternative. "Going to run vault of glass on hard. Anyone want in?" Instead of random invites to activities unknown unless I fire up LFG. More persistent PvE activities. I know they'll be repetitive. It can't be helped. Just more variety to repeat. Stop forcing players into the crucible for hours upon hours to complete exotic bounties. I get it for iron banner(ugh!) gear, but a 25:1 k/d ratio? Are you freaking kidding me? How is this even possible when I can get one shotted by most fusion rifles and a decent sniper player. I know it's doable, but the luck involved. Ugh. Just my $.02

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    4 Replies
    • No. Nor will I buy anything from Activision ever again. Even if they find a cure to cancer, I would die with it, rather than give those greasy scammers another dime.

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    • Absolutely not. I refuse to reward them with more revenue for selling me on a breakthrough next-gen shared open-world FPS, and delivering what amounted to a sloppily built beta with a side of rehashed "expansion". Also, I will not pay them to fix their own mistakes by purchasing the sequel. The product that was delivered is inexcusable, given the development time, budget, and development studio behind it.

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    • Edited by georgiii: 2/14/2015 9:43:29 PM
      It would have to be a significant improvement over the original destiny. It would have to have a story as well. Bungie is in a unique position right now (and for the last 6 months). The market for next gen games has been pretty barren. There's not a lot out right now or for that matter in the last year that is worthy of excitement. That being said there is going to be a flurry of next gen games soon that will be make things totally different. To kick things off the witcher 3 drops in may, then Batman arkham knight, and the division to name a few. We still don't really know what's coming this fall either (besides annual games like cod and assassin's creed). Then considering destiny 2 won't launch till 2016 (at the earliest) there's gonna be even more great games. Hell I'm sure Bethesda has a few aces up there sleeves and I can tell you that given a choices between fallout 4 or destiny 2 well isn't it obvious. In other words destiny 2 is not likely to enjoy such an easy victory as destiny one there's likely to be some real competition out by then so a half assed game will not cut it.

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    • Yes, they'll understand better what they have to do with the game, plus Bungie said that you progress from Destiny will follow you to Destiny 2

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    • I can't honestly say whether I will play destiny 2 or not because it all depends on how they bring it around. But I may try it on a beta or something, because unlike most of the players of destiny I enjoy the game, and thought it was too short.

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    • Nope. Done after HoW.

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    • Probably. Turns out my biggest issues with the game are really just issues with the toxic community. Sure, Destiny needs some work. But the community amplifies the problems more than necessary.

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      2 Replies
      • I'd say yes, but of course I won't make the decision till it's actually out. Reason- pretty much chasing the newest shooter most like halo. If it was a choice between a halo 5 and destiny 2 definitely going with halo, but I like the idea behind destiny. The two category of games I've always been into we're fps' and MMOs so when I heard they were being combined I was really interested. I think the gear system and reliance on rng need to be tweeked, but I'm most concerned with pvp. If it's got a solid multiplayer I really don't give a damn about too much else.

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      • I can't say I will buy Destiny 2 I mean seeing as I would have no reason to play story or anything because they're gonna let our characters go from one game to the next. They killed progression just by doing this.

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      • Only if they nerf Gjallahorn

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      • Edited by McBooya007: 2/10/2015 7:19:44 AM
        My short response no, I will not pay to be deceived by an overbearing company again.

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      • They have moved on.. they don't care .. If they did things would change .. So all this negative feed is worthless ..really :-/

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      • Not for several weeks. I have learned my lesson from Destiny 1 Destiny 2 best be amazing or im not spending any money on it. Bungie has a lot to make up for with what they have done with Destiny 1.

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      • No, not with how the company is presenting itself at the moment. It release a far from finished game, with a small dlc that was worth half its pricepoint. Dont get me wrong, I liked the dlc regardless of the merciless cut out of sir dinklebot. It wasent worth the 20 though.

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        8 Replies
        • No, I would not buy destiny 2 or 3,4,5 becouse it stupid to sell dlc like new game.

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        • I would like to start off by saying that I have had a good amount of fun playing Destiny. There are, however, many glaring issues that turns me off to the idea of getting Destiny 2. Fortunately for me, I was able to pick up my physcial copy for $10 off a Black Friday special so spent $45 for the game and DLCs. Will I get Destiny 2? Idk, I guess it just depends on what is done. I for sure will not be pre-ordering it though. Somethings I would like to see done: REAL OPEN WORLD with interactive NPCs that actually have back stories. REAL OPEN WORLD where you can go in and out of cities and towns without loading through a plane you cannot actually fly. Trade system Stronger Servers Real Story More raid mechanics within strikes and missions with alternate endings, rather than kill this or defend that. Character customization Harder and more intricate raids with multiple bosses all at once and bigger fireteams, rather than bullet sponges Rated M (This will guarantee me a more complex game; one that's not made easy just to accommodate Squekers, teens, and their little minds) Long story short: I am not pre-ordering. I will wait for the reviews. If it's the same thing all over again, I'll leave it. I hear Dying Light is not bad!

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          7 Replies
          • Maybe, definitely never pre ordering it again though smh

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          • Edited by Curious Finger: 2/13/2015 2:51:36 AM
            Nope. Not preordering anything this year. I'll be waiting for a solid review of Destiny 2 before buying. Bungie and Activision effectively killed preordering for the gaming industry. Good job guys!!! Star Wars Battlefront here I come!

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          • I will refrain from saying I will never buy destiny 2. However, I probably won't consider buying it for first three or four months after its release. If it appears to divide its content into the current scheme being used by Activision, I will not waste my time or money. The game wasn't bad by any means, but it was just extremely underwhelming. As I grow older, my free time becomes increasingly valuable, and this games requires a lot of time invested for very little reward. To be honest, this experience has put a sour taste in my mouth, and I'm probably going to phase video games out as a hobby. It's been fun, but the direction it's going is just not my scene anymore.

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            1 Reply
            • No. Complete dishonest practices and months of months of glitches still not even a full game despite the first dlc dropping. Dlc was trash so why would i expect any improvement?

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            • It better come with all of destiny one and the comet I am not paying for. And include all the missions from destiny 1. Then double down on content, planets and racial abilities. Also perhaps a storyline... k so probably not is my answer....

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