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2/4/2015 10:22:43 PM
I would like to start off by saying that I have had a good amount of fun playing Destiny. There are, however, many glaring issues that turns me off to the idea of getting Destiny 2. Fortunately for me, I was able to pick up my physcial copy for $10 off a Black Friday special so spent $45 for the game and DLCs. Will I get Destiny 2? Idk, I guess it just depends on what is done. I for sure will not be pre-ordering it though. Somethings I would like to see done: REAL OPEN WORLD with interactive NPCs that actually have back stories. REAL OPEN WORLD where you can go in and out of cities and towns without loading through a plane you cannot actually fly. Trade system Stronger Servers Real Story More raid mechanics within strikes and missions with alternate endings, rather than kill this or defend that. Character customization Harder and more intricate raids with multiple bosses all at once and bigger fireteams, rather than bullet sponges Rated M (This will guarantee me a more complex game; one that's not made easy just to accommodate Squekers, teens, and their little minds) Long story short: I am not pre-ordering. I will wait for the reviews. If it's the same thing all over again, I'll leave it. I hear Dying Light is not bad!

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