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11/21/2014 10:11:54 PM

The MIDA Multi-tool reticle seems to be programmed wrong?

I prefer the ^ shaped reticle (don't know its official name) in FPS, and have used it in many, so I was glad to see it was the reticle on the MIDA MT. However, after I started using it today while patrolling Venus, I noticed a problem. Either I have been aiming this reticle wrong in every game I have ever used it in, or it's just implemented wrong right now in Destiny. Instead of the bullet traveling to the tip of the ^, it instead seems to be going underneath it, as if you were placing a hat on top of that Fallen Vandal's head. Whipped up a quick artistic masterpiece on paint to demonstrate what I mean. #1 is what it should be, #2 is what it has been performing as for me while using it. Sure, I can adjust for it when I have plenty of time and distance, but when trying to take out many and quickly, it becomes a nuisance. If I am incorrect about this reticle or the proper way to aim it, let me know (I'm not an expert gunsmith or anything), but if I am not mistaken this is a bug that needs fixed. Other than that, it is a great gun.

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