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10/22/2014 7:32:39 AM

The life exotic

It was upon looking over a list of the existing exotics and then comparing the truth rocket launcher to a conveniently RNG obtained unfriendly giant rocket launcher, that a thought occurred to me. I thought “there really is barely any difference between these two.” Now obviously I did not take into account that one of the two would take longer to level than getting a character from 1-20, which is another issue I will get to in due time. My core gripe, aside from the fact that I rains Mythoclasts for everyone and their mom, yet I seem to get nothing but the shards from the only mythoclast Atheon apparently landed on during the “glitch”, is that exotics hardly feel exotic. The reason I put glitch in quotation marks is because of my firm belief that something resulting from clever use of what the game both provides and enables, is strategy. I shall not address this here, maybe in a future post but please kick the guy that thought it was a good idea to design a sparrow that blows your balls off if you accelerate, or rename it the ballbreaker instead of the timebreaker and give it to someone else. I could supply an entire wing of kamikaze guardians with the bloody things at this point so just stahp! Ahem, but I do apologize for being sidetracked, onto the REAL issue of this post, I promise to stay on topic. I had felt this way after comparing the ice breaker with my final boss, which coincidentally had the firefly perk on it. Now the Icebreaker hits like a truck, so my feeling of it being just an exotic equivalent of my final boss were at least wrong in the dps department BUT. How exactly does ‘icebreaker’ really differ from ‘firefly’? And can we really honestly say that truth’s ‘prototype true seeker’ is anything wildly unique from the ‘tame tracking’ many other launchers have? I just think that at this moment in time a more robust and logical system would be as follows: 1. Commons are completely removed from the game, they serve no purpose and are obsolete by lvl 5. 2. Uncommons become commons because for all intents and purposes, they are. For something uncommon I sure do end every little romp with enough weapon parts to let the weaponsmith make something actually useful! 3. Rares become uncommons, we just aren’t going to talk about Rahool’s little…tendencies before the doorknob explanation. Also, they are not that rare at all, just uncommon realistically speaking. 4. Legendaries are in fact BLOODY RARE. Asking you to for the love of tap dancing RNGeesus to up the drop rate for these is not the intent her, but I’m writing it anyway. Basically legendaries are just rare guns with a different weapon skin, don’t you try tell me that just because a ‘dead orbit’s superb technicians’ had a little arts and crafts lesson with it and gave it a cool name, that this piece of crap is suddenly a destroyer of worlds T_T 5. Exotics are legendaries. They LOOK distinct and their unique perk either combines two normal ones or augments a normal one to make it better. They offer legendary performance and are often exemplary in their weapon class but not particularly special in any way, shape or form. Also why can I not split fools in half with the frickin’ sword attached to the monté carlo!? Is this a thing with Destiny where we can look at the melee weapons but never touch? -note, serious again, I just really love splicing satire in here to make my long posts more entertaining for readers- The sword of Crota is an exotic weapon. It is unique and there are no other weapons like it. Its attacks are devastating and decisive and even change your Super. The relic (it’s a shield guys can we just call it that?) is an exotic, though I would question how a shield offers me zero defensive benefit. It fires a spirit bomb into a bosses’ face which does killer damage and can generate a cleansing friendship bubble. There was a post about some guy wanting bows in Destiny. A bow would be an exotic if it were a unique, singular weapon. Perhaps it’s different arrows allowed you to use all elements (note to self, make post explaining to Bungie how to implement an elemental system properly) Thus, my point is that a weapon class should live up to its name. I feel that the majority of exotics and legendary items in the game are unworthy of their rank. my suggestion is to either implement the tier shuffle I have outlined above or to make the unique perks of exotics actually unique whilst giving the ‘two for one’ perks to legendary items.

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