Something needs to be done about this, by this I mean the laggers. I'm sure we've all encountered them. Those people that for some reason don't die when you shoot them with your whole clip and they just run up with their shotgun and blast you away unscathed. This has been happening way too often, I just played a match and an opponent went 39 and 9, kill/death, In the beginning I thought it was him try-harding or my team was just not good, but no. I encountered him multiple times, one of those times I used my golden gun on him, 2 out of the 3 hit, but no kill? It should have only taken one shot. Matches before that one even, I would start shooting at someone and he wast even looking in my direction and I got killed by him. Lately Crucible has been just annoying because of these reasons. PvE is the same thing. Its happened in patrol, the Raid, not as often as Crucible but it still happens. Please find a way to fix this issue.
I have witnessed a lag switcher myself. Yes, it sucks, but I don't see how a internet glitch can truly be fixed.
Edited by CheckForAPulse: 10/11/2014 7:16:16 AMI've had a few similar things happen. A few of these from crucible; - Guys eat all 3 GG shots and take no damage. - Guys that I've hit with 2 rockets (blast right at their feet) and run up to me with full health/shield and one shot me with a shotgun - One guy which I hit with melee upwards of 6 times (that's when i just stopped counting and started getting pissed off about it) and he then turned around and blew me away with a fusion rifle - Guys I've shot with the auto rifle, fully reloaded my clip and ~3-4 seconds later they randomly drop dead in the middle of nowhere... Ironically the two games I've played recently with the worst netcoding seem to miraculously have no ping indicators (I'm looking at you CoD:G) - Wonder if this was something suggested by activision and bungie just thought it was a good idea, or whether its actually a bungie decision?
Edited by BLiTZ: 10/10/2014 9:12:11 PMI hate these guys too. I also hate it when you barely lose a gunfight to a guy and his health bar is just a sliver, then magically is 75% full within one second. Clearly the servers don't know what to do with these guys. They need their own servers or just be denied from entering the Crucible. Also.... ALWAYS report these guys in game. Don't wait until after the match because they might not stay in the lobby long enough to report. Hopefully Bungie is keeping record of these guys' poor connections and the frequency of reports. Then they can quarantine these 3G phone players.
Today, saturday 10/19, I feel the crucible has some awful lag. Aiming dead center at someone with my fully upgraded Last Word just to see how my shots miss even though I got them locked DEAD -blam!-ING CENTER with the recoil going nowhere further than their heads (last word upgraded to have full control btw). Same thing happening with heavy machine guns, it can't be just me.
saves me typing but feel the same very good points