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1/23/2014 4:10:32 AM

TED Talk - Thomas Barnett: Let's rethink America's military strategy - how to start winning hearts and minds

So in recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, one of the biggest issues has been that the US / Coalition goes in, kicks ass, but then promptly makes everyone hate them, due to their heavy handed tactics. What Thomas Barnett suggests, is to split the current US military into 2 forces: The "Leviathan" force would resemble the current military, capable of toppling dictatorships in days by using the best and most lethal weaponry available. They train for war, they don't train for peacekeeping. They crush the enemy. Following right behind them would then be the "Sys Admin" force, which would carry out the years of peacekeeping, pulling the damaged nation back onto its feet. They rebuild infrastructure, negotiate treaties between tribes, help out the locals, etc. They win the hearts and minds. Opinion on the video / idea?



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  • I think that's fine and dandy. But I think that we need a third force separate from the "Leviathan" specifically to fight our current enemies. Our real current enemies are no longer countries and dictators but smaller decentralized groups operating in these nations. A conventional army against them is completely ineffective. We need a much larger intel gathering/Special Forces group to handle them. And we need to shrink the current standing army as a result. Not build them more tanks.



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