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3/17/2013 5:42:11 PM

Did Caesar deserve to be assassinated?

I was going to post this for the ides of march, but I was busy that day. [url=]Anyway, on March 15th, during the days of the roman republic, Julius Caesar was assassinated by eight roman senators who feared his growing power and that he would overthrow the republic.[/url] Do you believe Caesar's actions where wrong, and if so, did he deserved to be assassinated?



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  • Since I think everyone said he should have been assassinated I will be playing devil's advocate. He did deserve to be killed since Caesar wanted to overthrow the Roman Republic, which in the classical world was one of the closest forms of democracy and would serve as an example for future democracy's. Caesar was making a grab for power and had himself declared dictator of the Republic, there was no way the senators could have had him removed. There fear was also justified since the Roman Republic was formed originally due too a king abusing it's power, which meant there was a culture of fear for abuse of power



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