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由TheSixthRanger編輯: 1/11/2015 12:28:04 AM

When playing with female players

I find it very fun and exciting when playing with female players. I know, what guy doesn't right? The thing is that, in my personal experience, when playing with my buddies, or my boys, we create a certain atmosphere. When a female player comes in the picture, most of us don't know how to react to the situation. I personally really don't like cursing, or using bad language with any girl. It makes me feel like I have no class when I do, but yet I find it hilarious when guys try to stand out in the party by cussing, and being extra dramatic when a girl is in the game. Most of us men might know how to speak with women outside of gaming, but when it comes to chatting with them online, or in a party chat inside the gaming world, we seem to not be able to handle it. I still haven't found the solution to this problem, but maybe posting something on the subject may get us a step closer to finding this solution. [b]The problem[/b] Female players complain on how male players harass, annoy, and bug the hell out of them as soon as they find out that they're a girl. Sending mass 'friend requests', 'messages', and 'party invites' do not make female players intrigued to play with us. Overall most men would love to play games with female players every other night if they could. But honestly, most male players simply do not know how to respond to the female players who we find playing our favorite game. [b]Why are guys so thirsty online?[/b] I do have female gamers which who i play with occasionally, yet I wish I had more female players to play with. When playing with girl gamers, conversations take different turns, and different topics come up, oppose to when playing with your buddies. This is one of the reasons why male players are so excited to have a female player in their friends list. Perhaps some guys play more games than socialize outside of their rooms. Whether this is true or not, what guy doesn't dream of a hot, sexy girl who enjoys the same things as we do? So what better place to find this sexy woman over a match online? [b]The truth[/b] The truth is simple. The world isn't a fairytale, so if you are hoping to find this perfect partner over a match most likely wont happen. Yet I don't see a reason to not send a friend request to a female player, nor I find a reason for any girl to get upset. Why is it still a surprise when female players get requested by guys? We don't know, but hopefully times will change to where gamers overall become more friendly, and the number of females in the gaming world are equal to those for males. [b]Any suggestions?[/b] The only clue to the solution for this problem is more female players. Guys still dominate the numbers game in the world of gaming, so perhaps by equaling the number of female players, this might quench the thirst for most of these guys. Thank you for taking the time and reading this, this is my very first post. If you enjoyed it please leave a comment, and for any suggestions that could help find the solution to this problem, feel free to leave your comments here as well. Take care ladies, and gentlemen. have a great weekend.



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  • Give me that female already...! LOL



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    • Well i already met a few cool ladies online or from dames clan.Fun hanging around with them;)Especially when it comes to jokes hahaha xD



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    • Ok I didn't read all of it but perhaps you shouldn't treat them any differently? It's not them ruining the atmosphere, it's you thinking you have to act a certain way around someone because they're a girl.



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    • In b4 ban



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    • I do this weird thing where I treat everyone equally when I game with them. Pretty crazy, I know.



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      • Female? Is that some kind of new videogame?



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      • I don't give a damn whether you're male or female. Online, you're a gamer. Simple as that. Gender shouldn't dictate how I treat you.



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        • As a female gamer, yeah most of what you mentioned is true, and you never know (the whole online dating thing) kind of how I met my current boyfriend, but guys just need to keep in mind that they're online for one reason and one reason only (if they're a true gamer) & that is to play games! Rage and all lol. Nothing wrong with getting friendly, it all depends on how far she's willing to let it go. No one likes online whores P.S- if you ever come across the problem of not knowing what to say- talk about her character or whatever ask her how she got something and so on



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        • You're talking about immature female players. I'm a female and I haven't had any of those things happen to me. Why or how, you may ask? I don't kiss ass with the guys I'm not all "oooohhhh ahhhhhhh" with people. I've played with females before that couldn't seem to stop giggling, at what? No one -blam!-ing knows. I also stand up for myself, talk shit to me and you should expect to get smacked down. Then again, I'm biased because I'm an adult, not a little girl.



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        • I honestly don't care about the gender or sex of my team mates, if we're having fun then it's not an issue. If anything it means that our conversations become more diverse. There have been times where we've had new invites blatantly hit on girls in our parties which kinda kills it.



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        • 由JoeMamasfat編輯: 3/4/2015 1:34:47 PM
          Triple post. The hell?



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          • 由JoeMamasfat編輯: 3/4/2015 1:34:27 PM
            Double post.



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          • Most of the females I get slapped with tend to be obnoxious cheerleaders... Weather they are actually cheerleaders is another question... Either way, I have the habit of muting them, along with squeekers, and any one else who says more than 20 words a minute... If I know you and play with you on a regular basis, you all pass. But everyone else...



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          • If you use female characters in this game you are a fgt confirmed



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            • Let's say I go into a game whether it's Destiny, Halo, CoD, etc and I get a friend request, I immediately ignore it. Not because of the whole "guy wants me because I'm a girl" thing but because I just don't know you. I really don't care about people wanting me because I'm a girl but don't expect girls to soften up either. Personally, I'm cool with anyone that's willing to be my friend and wants to hang with me. And if I get those rare "are you a girl?" "Hey baby let's hook up" "Slut" I laugh lol If guys were to just talk to me or ask me "hey cool shader! Where did you get it?" Or any questions I will not hesitate to reply back. It's a plus if you're polite in the beginning but don't try too hard either. Be yourself, get a conversation going and play games with the chick.



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            • 由Princess Anomaly編輯: 4/18/2015 6:04:32 AM
              Okay a few points to address here... Firstly, we generally don't like getting friend requests and messages from men because for every one genuinely nice message we get there are 100 creepy/pervy messages with it. Secondly, men aren't just thirsty online. It's everywhere. Dealing with creepy men is our daily lives. Men on a societal level think they're entitled to female attention and we are constantly victim to objectification and sexualization by men. (I know some -blam!-boy's gonna be like "NOT ALL MEN" so I'll go ahead and point out that "men on a societal level" =/= every single man ever) Thirdly, if you really want to change the atmosphere with female gamers, stop making it about gender. Don't act any differently around us than you would another man. We're here for the same reason you are; to play a game we enjoy and have fun. We don't treat you any differently because you're men, and we don't creep on you and send you gross messages, so don't do it to us.



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              • I try to just treat them normally. Just talk gaming stuff. I don't know if they are hot or not so where's the point in harassing them?



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              • I just pretend I'm a squeaker and then O don't get spammed. Most guys cant tell the difference lol.



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                • Geez, who honestly gets upset by friend requests. The traumatic pain of declining, oh noes! -shudder- I [i]hate[/i] when guys get all weird and try to treat me special when I join the party. Nah. Don't be rude and all is k. Just think of female players like guy players, I cuss and talk filty like guys do, no big deal. It's annoying when guys get their creep on but it's not hard to tell them to gtfo. Honestly, why bother online. So sad. Just treat us like guys, we don't need special treatment 'cos you won't get anywhere physically. Hint hint.



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                • Most of my friends don't tone anything down when there's a girl. This one time a jewish girl joined our party while we were making holocaust jokes and she left because of our "inappropriate statements." The jewish guy in our party didn't give a shit. A bunch of girls that have joined us in the past wanted us to tone it down and we did the first couple times but now we just don't care. Maybe i've only run into the boring nice girls but if you're on the internet joining people's parties and stuff then you should be -blam!-ing prepared! I got nothing against girl gamers but most of the ones i've run into are asshats that give way too much of a shit and expect people to be proper online.



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                  • Funny, I know how to talk to a Female online, but I'm terribly awkward IRL...Well, at least I can say I asked my crush out, Even if she flat out rejected me. And I agree, a portion of males simply don't know how to talk. I've never had a problem being respectful online, thus, Females have no reason to assume I'm a thirsty child, in fact, I had one moment where one offered to moan in the party, I kicked her. And won the anger of 2 other randoms. Lovely.



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                  • 由dead mans編輯: 4/9/2015 5:22:50 PM
                    When playing with female gammers i: -try to make them feel comfortable with "girl talk" (ask about their periods) -compliment their boobs (all boobs are awsome) -talk like shes one of the guys (discussing things like sexual conquest and dick size) -dont let her feel inferior at gamming because of her gender (remarks like "wow thats not bad for a girl!" Or "good your still here, most girls are dead by now") -and this is the most important: ask her out afterwards. It makes her feel like shes good enough to get a boyfriend and thats important for a girl (especially one that plays video games because theyre fat and ugly)



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                    • It doesn't matter. Anyone who tells you differently is lying. Good player=good player. Bad player =bad player. Forcing people to distill everything down is all bad.



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                    • I am not much of a gamer lol. So I can only say a little about this. I played the new Bungie game some, made it up all the way to level 7 or 8 before I got bored! If they want more female players they need other things to do that shoot monsters, for example a clothing vendor and a dance club would be nice! The only social thing I can do is dance in the tower and my character looks like a stripper when she dances :) Everybody is different but I think if you want a lot more girls playing a game, you need the game to consider female preferences greatly and I don't mean just pink stuff I mean more social stuff and things to do other than fighting. Other games have more of that balance I am just talking about the Bungie game because we are on a Bungie board. Even if you do that I think the numbers still might not be equal, I think girls have different outlets whereas I see guys get into playing games for hours and hours. I am just talking about mass numbers everybody is different! I do think you are right about the "girl in room" phenomenon and it isn't only video games, it does make guys act different, that is neither good or bad.



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                    • 由Inflicte編輯: 4/9/2015 4:59:40 PM
                      You had to write like, 4 full paragraphs to address a situation about how people don't know how talk to girls online... it's online for God's sake, it's not reality people.



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                      • 由Meatball編輯: 3/4/2015 9:24:40 PM
                        1.I've never played with one but would like to. [spoiler]and no im not thirsty im gay so...[/spoiler] 2.I would treat them like i would with anyone else that i play with.



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