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由TheSixthRanger編輯: 1/20/2015 2:05:11 AM

When playing with female players

I find it very fun and exciting when playing with female players. I know, what guy doesn't right? The thing is that, in my personal experience, when playing with my buddies, or my boys, we create a certain atmosphere. When a female player comes in the picture, most of us don't know how to react to the situation. I personally really don't like cursing, or using bad language with any girl. It makes me feel like I have no class when I do, but yet I find it hilarious when guys try to stand out in the party by cussing, and being extra dramatic when a girl is in the game. Most of us men might know how to speak with women outside of gaming, but when it comes to chatting with them online, or in a party chat inside the gaming world, we seem to not be able to handle it. I still haven't found the solution to this problem, but maybe posting something on the subject may get us a step closer to finding this solution. [b]The problem[/b] Female players complain on how male players harass, annoy, and bug the hell out of them as soon as they find out that they're a girl. Sending mass 'friend requests', 'messages', and 'party invites' do not make female players intrigued to play with us. Overall most men would love to play games with female players every other night if they could. But honestly, most male players simply do not know how to respond to the female players who we find playing our favorite game. [b]Why are guys so thirsty online?[/b] I do have female gamers which who i play with occasionally, yet I wish I had more female players to play with. When playing with girl gamers, conversations take different turns, and different topics come up, oppose to when playing with your buddies. This is one of the reasons why male players are so excited to have a female player in their friends list. Perhaps some guys might play more games than socialize outside of our rooms. Whether this is true or not, what guy doesn't dream of a hot, sexy girl who enjoys the same things as we do? So what better place to find this sexy woman over a match online? [b]The truth[/b] The truth is simple. The world isn't a fairytale, so if you are trying find this perfect partner over a match most likely wont happen. Yet I don't see a reason to not send a friend request to a female player, nor I find a reason for any girl to get upset. Why is it still a surprise when female players get requested by guys? We don't know, but hopefully times will change to where gamers overall become more friendly, and the number of females in the gaming world are equal to those for males. [b]Any suggestions?[/b] The only clue to the solution for this problem is more female players. Guys still dominate the numbers game in the world of gaming, so perhaps by equaling the number of female players, this might quench the thirst for most of these guys. Thank you for taking the time and reading this, this is my very first post. If you enjoyed it please leave a comment, and for any suggestions that could help find the solution to this problem, feel free to leave your comments here as well. Take care ladies, and gentlemen. have a great weekend.



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  • 由Always Feral編輯: 1/21/2015 3:55:03 AM
    The fact that you're preaching this faux-chivalry whiteknight bullshit actually just makes me think that you're a closeted sexist yourself. Women don't need some "A Guy's Guide To Interacting With Women With Kiddy-Gloves On" like this to make their gaming experience better, and by insinuating that they need our help also implies, indirectly, that women playing online games are too weak to stand up for themselves without the help of men. The only thing needed from the males' end is: - Be yourself. - Don't act like a creepy rapist asshole. - Play the f***ing game.



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    • first thing guys need to stop doing is giving random invites to every female character they see. women get tired of this and just want to be treated like everyone else when they play. i know i can be standing right next to my girlfriend in the game and a guy will come over and invite her to his friends list and they won't send anything to me. To many guys do this and all it does is show the women that they are not interested in playing the game with them but that they are looking for other things. Doing this kind of stuff does not attract more women to the game, it only pushes them away. Also just the way guys speak in general to females. They think that if a female is playing a game that gives them the right to be as nasty and perverted as they want and most women i know who play games don't want to hear that when playing. they want to enjoy the game like everyone else and not be harassed. so if you want more female players men need to just behave better and quit harassing women.



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    • 由vortex589編輯: 1/20/2015 12:57:37 AM
      Playing with girl gamers is easy. Here's a few simple rules to help you along. 1. Make sure you ask how big her breast are. It's always good to show interest in others. 2. Make sure you repeatedly mention your prowess in bed and/or the size of your penis. This will impress her greatly. 3. Ask for nude pictures. This will show that you are looking to take the relationship to the next level. 4.Send her pictures of your junk. Girls love these sorts of messages. It shows that you're thinking about her. 5. If she protests at any of these things she's just playing hard to get and you should double your efforts. Just use these simple rules and you'll soon be rolling in that sweet gamer girl poontang.



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      • Well, for the record if any girls are looking for a cool group to play with, me and my friends always welcome whoever. Just be good at the game or want to be better as we do a lot of teaching and helping as well.



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      • thirst is real with this one...



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      • I instantly finish



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      • Treat them the same you would treat others.



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        • Aw, this is a nice post. I know I appreciate respectful teammates and it's nice to see that you put in an effort to make a girl feel welcome. Just don't overthink it! I've been in groups of awful, sexual, thick headed hooligans, and in a group of all cops that couldn't swear in front of me and kept saying "oh darn" when they died instead of the curse word they were (obviously) thinking of. So I've seen the whole range of teammates. And honestly the most fun ones are the ones that didn't even acknowledge I was a girl. They just went about their business and made the same jokes they normally would and were in general just nice to talk to. If you must get flustered, definitely aim for the more respectful end of the spectrum, but really just relax and have fun. :) don't worry about creating a different atmosphere, I like gaming with men because I love listening to all the joking around and making fun of each other that you do. It's hilarious! And it's fun to pretend I'm one of the boys ;)



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          • Me and my friends never have this problem. Personally though women have been funnier to play with though, and they aren't as stressed about having to wipe a few times. I like this cause I'm a chill gamer, so it all works out for me.



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          • There are plenty of female gamers out there, lots of them, like myself don't go out and announcing it every chance we get. I'm a gamer, and play games. Thankfully I've had pretty decent experiences thus far while playing with guys in Destiny, unlike when I played halo.



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            • 由BandGeek96編輯: 1/20/2015 7:16:49 PM
              I'm an 18 year old girl, PS4. I'd love to have some decent/cool players, add me if ya like. Bandgeek96-lvl 31 warlock



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              • It's simple you just treat them like anyone else male or female as long as there a laugh who cares



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              • I think it's annoying as hell when everyone is trying to impress some random girl in the party with anything they can think of.



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              • I've never met any girls while playing destiny, my raid teams usually consist of 12 year old boys and British people



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              • 由softfuzz編輯: 1/20/2015 6:30:39 PM
                Pretty sure a lot of it is all about how you act/talk in-game as well. A female gamer that's all about, "Heeheehee, I'm a gurl look at meeeeeehhh" is going to attract [i]that[/i] kind of attention, whereas most of us that just want to play the game are left alone. Having a husband/boyfriend in the same fireteam helps ward off unwanted attention also. =)



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              • "MMMMMMMMu'LADY" - You. dont put them in a separate category. they are just another player. treat them as such.



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              • i really don't understand why so many people change just because a girl is in the party, its quite strange to me i could care less its just another person they play the same game. i would find it really annoying if someone acted different just because im there and even if you don't know them you can kinda of tell they are being way to self-aware



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              • I'd quite like to able to game with more female gamers, for no reason specifically, just would



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              • I'm married, so I don't really care. There's girls that I play with and I don't act any different.



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              • I normally stay quite, and just ponder on why someone would have a PS4 and a TV in the kitchen



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                • I don't care. As long as they get shit done. Hell they don't even have to be human. You are a dog and you can raid/nightfall? You in!



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                • Are you suggesting that we go out and convince more girls to play Destiny? Maybe just don't care that they're girls because chances are you're hundreds of miles away from each other, never going to meet, and she just wants to play a goddamn videogame.



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                  • Poor girls dont get left alone...prolly by dudes that are scared of women in the real world



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                  • Played with a girl gamer for over 2 years she was in my battlefield 3 team. I just spoke to her and treated her like I would anyone else. She would get harassed a bit by the less mature guys. Had to kick some kid out for being to sexist.



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                  • Seriously, guys... Men, boys, all of you. No need to change your subject when females arrive in your party. To my experience, having played multiple raids with a bunch of guys, I find it hilarious. I do tend to be quiet unless I needed to speak, but just be yourselves, assholes or a sweetheart, we have the same goals. Although, I do prefer not to be called a C or B etc. I respect you, if you respect me, simple. Unless you wanna be that guy, then that can be arranged.



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                  • You are lame. Talk to them like they are people. Shouldn't matter male or female.



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