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1/8/2015 4:37:34 AM

Lets talk special weapons in PvP

okay so my understanding of a "special weapon" would be something that would be used on occasions were an extra something special is needed. In almost every single match ive had today in cruicible on control there is 3 to 4 guys on the enemy team using these so called special weapons as primaries might aswell call the "special weapon" slot a secondary slot. its a great gun i see it as a shotgun with longer range but with the penalty of having a charge time. You guys nerfed shot guns so they are a point blank shot, but yet allow a fusion rifle to shoot accuratly half way accross the map for a one shot kill. Im not even saying nerf the gun. My point of this post is to question the availability of the special ammo. Sure spawn every guardian in with a full mag but restrict how obtainable it is after your clip is empty. Perhaps have special creates on timers much like the heavy ammo creates. 9 times out of 10 as soon as you restart your 5 ft from a special ammo create to full up on that god awful over powered special weapon slot. End of the day all im saying is you guys called the top slot a "primary weapon" slot for a reason it should be the most used gun in your arsenal and when its possible to complete a game woth a high KD ration and not of even used your "primary weapon" slot. Its when you can tell something about the situation is broken. Anyways ive played since beta release, played a hell of alot of PvP love it apart from the latency issues. Sunk a whole lot of hours into the game. Had all those hours wasted when the expansion came. (Takes 30 mins to hit 30 without doing the raid personally spent 5 weeks gearing up. Material i spend countless hours farming) those are hours ill never get back if just like to see this frustrating pvp experience to be fixed :S anyways hope this gets read and is in the correct forum.



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