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1/4/2015 10:30:58 PM

Last night was an interesting raid night...

So, I joined a friend of mine looking to do a raid. Hard Vault of Glass. I got the Eris bounties, leveled up, and FINALLY reached level 30. Still no legendary helmet, but hey! I reached level 30 with a rare helmet! I'm fine with that. We had gotten a group, and we already had the Templar Checkpoint. Whatever. I really wanted that fatebringer, so no complaints. We had beaten the Templar rather quickly, and I got ENERGIES. So, now we're on Atheon, and beat him in 2 cycles. Cool. Guess what the rewards are? Atheons Epilogue (which I already have) AND........ A ship -.- I got nothing from that. So, I get a bright idea to do Crota! It was my first time and I had no idea what to do. We had to cheese crota because we had a level 29 with us and I was a level 30. Don't hate pls. But, we beat crota and the rewards ARE...... Cryptographic, emblem, shards, etc. then I see a weapon..... I GOT THE BLACK HAMMER. MY FIRST CROTA RUN, AND IT WAS THE BLACK HAMMER. So, for VoG screwing me over, I'm kind of glad I got an amazing thing! Just thought I should share, have a great day :)
#Destiny #Raid #woah



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  • Crotas end is more forgiving with loot bungie stated that. iv done 3 runs with my warlock have everything I need for 32 and missing a chest piece for my hunter ( have a exotic light 36 helmet ) waiting to b equipped on hunter when I get the chest piece lol then he will b 32 then time to grind a Titan yayyyy



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