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由ScoobaSteve G編輯: 12/20/2014 9:13:53 AM

Cyber Bullying. Everyone can make a difference.

Everywhere we look, everywhere around us, we see things which most people turn a blind-eye to. Something that makes us hide in fear, hate our lives, and even want to end it all. Something so small but can so drastically change one's whole life. Something that ruins self-esteem, ruins beautiful personalities, ruins lives. It's a serious issue which we can all play a heroic role in to damper the pain which half of the world has been oppressed by. You can be there for another human being, you can make a difference in their lives. Make them feel worth something again. Make them feel beautiful. Make them feel like a part of this giant but so small world. So stand up for your neighbor and mute the noise of hate. You can make a difference. You can save a life. Go get em' guardians! [b]Edit: I would really like to be able to reply to everyone of you guardians and have intelligent, factual arguements, debates, and coversations. I'll reply to as many of you all as I can. However, there is a lot of you all! ;)[/b]



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  • 由kkbubble編輯: 12/20/2014 3:22:52 PM
    Ive been "bullied" my whole life. Im skinny. Im ugly. I have glasses. Im a huge nerd. And I wholeheartedly believe that that bullying is not a problem and that threads like these are the problem. These threads or magazine/newspaper articles make people feel like victims. They aren't victims. People are assholes, LEARN TO DEAL WITH IT OR GO HOME. The same people who believe in bullying are the people who believe in participation trophies. You cant let everyone win, not everyone in special. Some people are worse some are better. Some are weak sone are strong. Bullying is caused by boy's need to be the alpha male. The best the strongest, the one that has shown their power to the others and has made them beta males. Girls want to be the most desirable so the alpha male will notice them and mate with them. This will pass on the best genes ensuring their child's survival. Humans are animals. Deal with it. our libido and id control us more than you know. Cyber bullying is the stupidest thing of all. Just turn off the device, unfriend them. Don't text back. Ignore it. Don't start crying for help. Some guy texted me once; "i hope you die you little autistic blam. Bring a knife to school so i don't hurt you do bad." I ignored it. Nothing happened. I went on with my life. The real problem with "bullying" is that society teaches kids to be victims when they should teach them to be strong, to deal with it. To ignore it. And to just accept that it happens. I despise people who think bullying is a problem because those people are the problem.



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