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12/1/2014 5:31:30 PM

Trying to create a small clan

What's up yall? Me and my friend have been leaning towards trying to create a small clan of just normal dudes who won't chew people's ass out for dumb shit. I'm just tired of playing with people who aren't good or are douche bags. I'm an engineering student, work and am in a fraternity so I can't always play but I can say that I play in the top 20% of people atleast. I've got myself and 3 other guys I raid and play with on the regular and with all the new additions to come in the game, we just want some guys or girls or whoever that's chill to play with and can shoot the shit while playing with. And are good as well. Not looking really to go over 10 or 15 people in all. Just something small with people who like to go through the raids easily, nightfalls, etc. I know this is kind of long and late in the game but I'm tired of people trying to come in and scream orders or cuss me out. All of us are 30s on atleast one character and have beaten the normal raid just us 4 and can beat it with 5 pretty easily on hard. Haven't tried 4 get but still. Let me know and I'd be more than happy to add you and play some but finals are next week so I won't be able to play much until after next Friday. Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a good week



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  • Feel free to join my clan, just me and a few of my bros who're always down for the raid or nightfall, looking for more people like yourself and your friends, lvl 30s with knowledge and experience. There's only six of us in the group now. The group name is 'Kilyu Tilya Dye'



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