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原先發佈於: Where Destiny fails
由Razzupaltuff編輯: 11/28/2014 1:27:37 PM
[b]Interface[/b] Destiny's game interface is lackluster, and despite fixing that being a simple task, Bungie refuses to do so (which takes me back to the arrogance Bungie is displaying in their attitude towards their customers). [u]In-game chat[/u] The random team chat is a feature that I do not perceive as being widely used, and one that I never missed. I cannot see how you would need it, be in during a strike, nor in the tower. Yet, Bungie chose to implement that instead of fixing the dire issues Destiny has e.g. in the raid. Something I would find very useful would be to send text messages to other players (friends) who are online, because I cannot reach them via voice chat unless they are in the same tower instance as I, or already are in a fireteam together with me. This is something Bungie did not deem worthy their apparently rather limited resources. [u]Vault[/u] It would be a piece of cake to increase vault space (and make the vault better structured in the process). Instead, Bungie is giving us a new sparrow we can do tricks with to "satisfy our desire to express ourselves". This is so ridiculous that it is outright stupid. Personally, I give a flying f*ck about being able to do summersaults or barrel rolls with my sparrow. I'd rather have a better, bug free game. [u]Music Volume Controls[/u] There is no way to tone down music volume in Destiny by means of an external mixer, since music and game audio get mixed together before being streamed to the console's audio hardware. Game audio often is obnoxiously loud to the extent of drowing game sound and fireteam cheat during boss battles. You can decrease the overall game volume in favor of chat volume, but that is not a real solution, because the music will still drown out other game sounds. Players want to hear fireteam chat and important game sounds helping them to localize enemies. There also is a player group that simply doesn't like to constantly hear music, or hear music while playing a shooter game. Bungie stubbornly refuses to that group of players, although that would be an easy to implement and small patch to the game. I can only interpret this as yet another expression of the arrogance Bungie believes they can rule over their customers and force them into everything they deem suitable for Destiny. Bungie is patronizing the Destiny players in a really bad way here once again.



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