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11/27/2014 10:58:44 PM

But Really, Potatoes Take the Most Skill to Play

(PvP) I mean really, look at you guys. [b]WARLOCK[/b] Pff, with your long range melee and your self res. You just run around with a shotgun and shotgun-melee shotgun-melee. Your nova bomb? Please, that has something that TRACKS enemies! No skill detected! And self res? You wouldn't even need it if you didn't DIE so often! Cheap kills anyone? Not to mention that your jump just allows you to go pretty much anywhere you want on the map! You don't have to work for anything! [b]TITAN[/b] "Oh look at me! I can run around and punch everything! Derpa Derpa!" That's what all you titans look like. I mean come on, you have an ability that makes you almost INVINCIBLE and lets you KILL everybody near you! Gosh, you unskilled scrubs! And your bubble ability? Talk about free points. You can just sit in there and kill anybody that comes in! It's like a free point on control! Is Bungie even TRYING to make you guys have to play the game with skill? And your jump sends you so high! I mean, how is anyone supposed to shoot you up there? It's like a FREE evasion! [b]HUNTER[/b] ARCBLADE ARCBLADE ARCBLADE ARCBLADE GOLDEN GUN GOLDEN GUN. Oh my you guys are just SO UNSKILLED! I mean [b]come on[/b]! One of your supers gives you a 50% damage reduction, and as many insta-kills as you want! The other gives you pretty much 3 guaranteed kills! Not even trying are you? And your throwing knife? Scrub alert! Your Blink strike? How skilled is it to get an ista-kill from behind, I mean really? Don't even get me STARTED on blink! "Oh look, I'm in front of you, now I'm right next to you!" It's like getting free kills!!!!! Come on, get some skill. [b]POTATO[/b] Potatoes are the glorious master race of skill. To play a potato you must have the utmost in reaction time, reflexes and accuracy. Our double jump just throws us back on to the ground. Spud launcher? God, that super just does 10% max guardian health! We can't even use guns! Playing potato is truly the skilled environment that Destiny was meant to be. You other scrubs need to realize who the true skill masters are.



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