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由Razzupaltuff編輯: 11/18/2014 2:23:05 PM

Bungie's patch policy revealed

Bungie patches things that makes them feel the Destiny players are owning them. They keep the stuff (flaws and bugs) that makes them feel they are owning the Destiny players. What a sad bunch of needy swallen egos without substance and honor these people must be. Edit: What Bungie does is to force players to play this game exactly the way Bungie wants it to be played, including the "social" experience. Just look at how they made it harder to solo nightfall and weekly heroic strikes, or how they fixed cheese spots and tactics (nothing against that per se) but leave flaws working against the players in the game. That's pure arrogance on Bungie's side.



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  • Well, I'd have to disagree with you on that because, well for one, I doubt you've even been an indie dev so that leads me to believe that you don't know how the development process works, as well as, you're not bungie, not an employee or a higher up, you couldn't possibly know what they're thinking, but keeping that in mind, we can only hope to figure it out. Bungie has had flops before this game but we as a community, it is our duty to support them and actually help make this game great.



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