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由Razzupaltuff編輯: 11/18/2014 2:23:05 PM

Bungie's patch policy revealed

Bungie patches things that makes them feel the Destiny players are owning them. They keep the stuff (flaws and bugs) that makes them feel they are owning the Destiny players. What a sad bunch of needy swallen egos without substance and honor these people must be. Edit: What Bungie does is to force players to play this game exactly the way Bungie wants it to be played, including the "social" experience. Just look at how they made it harder to solo nightfall and weekly heroic strikes, or how they fixed cheese spots and tactics (nothing against that per se) but leave flaws working against the players in the game. That's pure arrogance on Bungie's side.



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  • Well, I'd have to disagree with you on that because, well for one, I doubt you've even been an indie dev so that leads me to believe that you don't know how the development process works, as well as, you're not bungie, not an employee or a higher up, you couldn't possibly know what they're thinking, but keeping that in mind, we can only hope to figure it out. Bungie has had flops before this game but we as a community, it is our duty to support them and actually help make this game great.



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    • Well the company is based in deep blue Washington state. Is anyone surprised that these progressive hacks would be social engineering their games? I'm not.



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      • See, I disagree. I don't think Bungie really knows how they want the game to play. I'm not sure if that's better or worse, tbh. If Destiny were a game I was working on, you can bet that things like this would be patched up, as it's not really a good player experience to sit in one place and shoot a boss in the face 400 times. [b]However[/b], one would hope that this would be mitigated by a more concise boss fighting mechanic (rather than just tons of adds and a bullet sponge in the middle). Unfortunately, I'm not sure this occurred to anyone over there, or at least not in time to do anything about it pre-launch. So they're trying to "force" the player base to engage the content more actively than sitting in a safe spot, but the real problem is that their basic game mechanics don't support taking cover organically. Also, I'm sure the flaws are being worked on (unless they're actually RNG based and intentional) they are just toeing the line on how transparent they should be. Anyway, like in all things, time will tell.



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        • 由a potato編輯: 11/18/2014 6:33:30 PM
          I dislike bug fixes. I find aberrant program behavior in a video game hilarious. This goes all the way back to wow where the felguard had a woman's voice and fear could push you through the map and make you float away across a zone. The bugs make VoG entertaining.



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        • 由Razzupaltuff編輯: 11/17/2014 7:18:14 PM
          Well, it is abundantly clear now that Bungie will not listen to their community, but that they are making their decisions purely as it pleases themselves, and there is nothing that could be done about it. Their utterly arrogant, despotic attitude is the problem here. I couldn't believe that (like I couldn't believe Bungie would produce such a half a$$ed game in the first place). It's hard to believe that people creating a computer game could be so obsessed with themselves and their imaginary superiority that they believe it would be their right to force people into accepting flaws, shortcomings, omissions and things like Bungie's obvious PvP bias in their product. This is feeling more and more like an anal gangbang. Well I had to learn better regarding the game, and I had to learn better regarding their attitude towards the Destiny community. No point in keeping to try and make Bungie listen, and act accordingly. They obviously believe it's their God given right to abuse their community.



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        • Lol do you think they're out to get us? Hahahaha dude get real... Take off your tinfoil hat.



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          • Bossing the players around obviously is Bungie's most urgent and central desire.



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            • Says the arrogant, assumptive gamer that has clearly worked at Bungie and knows EXACTLY how they do things. This forum is for feedback not ignorance. So sign out, quit the game, and help rid the forums of stupid people like you. Enjoy the rest of your day :-)



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