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由BNGHelp0編輯: 11/1/2014 9:50:42 PM

7 Raids no gear.. Why Bungie!!???

I've participated in about 15 raids so for (only 7 I could actually get drops for) and so far no raid gear!! Why is it that one of my friends who's only completed 1 raid has 2 pieces of gear?? Bungie I really just don't understand... I love you guys and have always supported your games, but your reward system sucks!!! I have gotten 5 chatter whites (I'm sorry but wtf is point on getting 5 of these!!!??? There isn't, they're useless!!!!), 3 atheon's epilogues, 2 found verdicts (which I hate) and a stupid pulse rife. Besides those all I ever get assendent energies and shards. Oh and how could I forget about my legendary loading screen aka legendary ship, that has no effect on the game! I love this game but what the hell is the point of playing when I get no gear so I can get a 30?? Please if anyone else is also getting the shaft on everything comment/like/share whatever. Let's get Bungie to make a better reward system. Because who honestly raids for materials, chatterwhites and legendary loading screens? (So everyone is clear I've beaten the raid every time I've done it)



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  • Hi Twig, I'm sorry you haven't gotten the gear you are looking for form the raid. We know it is frustrating to see others spend less time and walk out with more gear. We want everyone to have a good time and so I will go ahead and pass along your feedback to the right people while also moving this thread to the Feedback forum. We are always listening to our players and I don't mind helping get your post seen. For now, it sounds like you are familiar with how the raid works, but to help maximize potential gear drops, here is our help article that shares more info:



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    38 回覆
    • #RNG At its finest



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    • #double necrobump



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    • I feel ya



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      • Hi there, Im a Bungie representative and I see your list and many others like that. Well, I have good news for you and your fellow gamers. We here at Bungie want to make this game fair and fun and because of all of your feed backs we decided to help you all out. -Starting next week, we will add baby bumpers to the Templar! Well, thank you and everyone for your feedbacks and wanted to let you know, "We hear ya!" -Bungie



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        • Well Bungie I've gotta say thank you. Did the 2x on my warlocks and even once on hard. Must say, you guys were very good to me. I got the raid head, gloves and chest so now I can get lvl 30. Not to mention the Hezen Vengeance, Praedyths Revenge, Gjallarhorn and "Timebreaker" were all great bonuses! But still I got like 9 chatterwhites.. can I get cut off? Lol. Thanks to everyone who commented on the post! Hopefully this week has been good to you all aswell. We all still love ya Bungie!



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        • 13 raids here with no gear :-P on my warlock alone ;)



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        • Draconus2006 just reminded something that my friends and I were talking about and that is that the game could use a trade system



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        • The reward system is a broken piece of sh!t and Bungie is too stupid to be as ashamed of it as they should be. Before I get jumped on by all the people that think it's ok and there's nothing wrong, I'll point out that you have either gotten stuff you need/want from the raid, or you just don't care. But for people that are actually trying to get gear from the raid, some of them are not and its TRULY NOT FAIR. Do you understand, Bungie? NOT BUILT FAIRLY. Does that matter to you? Or is it ok that YOUR game, played the way YOU WANT IT PLAYED, is an unfair and broken piece of sh!t? So imagine going through the Vault of Glass 11 times and not getting one single piece of raid gear. Now imagine getting ships, sparrows, and the same weapon (Vision of Confluence) multiple times, as your friends get doubles and triples of things that you need, and never get. I'm sitting on 51 ascendant shards, and no armor to upgrade. I'm not getting any ascendant energy for anything that I'm doing, even in the raid I always get bull sh!t shards. I wouldn't be so p!ssed, but the VoG in general isn't actually a lot of fun and it's far too long to be replayed 100 times for loot that you never get. Ok I feel better. Thanks. Lol



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        • 由Abyssal Shift編輯: 11/3/2014 4:23:46 PM
          The problem isn't the reward system, random is good, the problem is the idiotic limitations they put in the game. We should be able to do the raids as much as we want and get rewards. I just hate how they spouted "The game doesn't start until you hit max level". Sure. lvl29 and only 4 activities require me to be that high. NF, Raid, Weekly/Daily Heroic. 3 of the 4 I can only do once a week. Good Work Bungie.



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        • Because bungie is stupid thats why pointless grinding is what this game is and now given the fact that raid was patched and maid even harder with a shit load of bugs it seems. wait its surten that bungie could give two -blam!-s what the comunity says.



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          • I would propose a fix. Once you have received any legendary/exotic or raid gear 3 times (as these can be shared between 3 characters) it is taken out of the rng table until you have received all of said items 3 times. Add that to the shards and energy drop and it would make it more likely to get a drop. That being the case. I may not like the disappointment of getting the same stuff each time like the ship but, when I finally do get something good it's pretty fulfilling. I won't complain but a proposed fix would maybe help while keeping the rng loot system mostly intact



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          • In the same boat. 7 weeks and not a single piece of gear. Last week the random lvl 26 that we had fill a spot got two pieces of gear back to back. And he accidentally deleted one. Cool.



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          • Same here. 4 full raids and 2 or 3 to atheon and no gear. Been level 29 titan for deep.



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          • Are you only running it ounce a week?



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          • Last night when i cleared it with my team i got found verdict from oracles, found verdict from templar and then nothing but sgards except for one chest gave me energy. This was on my hunter, the one character who needs the gear. My titan got lucky in 3 clears. My warlock took more than 10 with the amount of warlocks i leveled for it



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          • They should make it where every time you kill a boss, you get a token. When you get 25 tokens you can get a piece of gear from a boss they have in a hidden place in the VoG or they have in the tower. This would give people something to work towards who don't have phenomenal luck with RNG.



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            4 回覆
            • Im jealous of what you got your lucky lol i have ran it 4 times 1 armor 2 guns rest garbage



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              • 8 full clears. 2 on hard Besides shards/energies, ships, and fcking chatters out my ears I have only gotten one gun, found verdict, and zero armor!



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              • I think the best solution is to receive Raid Mark every time you complete a raid or a boss, so you could aquire Raid Armor on a specific vendor on the tower. The Raid Weapons could and should continue to be RNG during the raid, but the armor should be obtainable trough Raid Marks. I already received 5 raid snipers, and on tha last raid I received 2 snipers on a row on the templar, really????? why??? If you can make and produce a game like this you can at least make simple tweaks on the RNG. If we have that weapon or armor on the vault or if we already earn something, erase that item from the Roulete. Why do I need so many Ships, Snipers and same shaders??? Damm And one more thing, OK Weekly Heroic, Nightfall and raid, after you did once, you dont receive anything more than XP and drops... BUNGIE so you really want us to stop playing the game??? OK, dont give us the same loot, but at least give us something... Legendary engrams for example or a chance of a exotic or even blue engrams, just like the Tiger Strike. I think you get the point.



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              • i just got the pulse rifle, they all need a buff, the best one in the game is the strangers rifle so far, the other pulse are all terrible. auto and scout beat pulse anyday unfortunately



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              • 4 raids this week and only shards and energy, it doesn't exactly inspire you to keep playing the game when pve is your preferred choice and your characters are stuck at 29 because nothing armour wise drops. Such a shame the rng system seems so intent on giving most people upgrade materials with no actual armour to upgrade.



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              • Bungie listen to me. Keep reward system but add vog marks. So after two raids if you haven't got a raid gear drop you can purchase one( go ahead and add glimmer 10,000 for all we care)piece.



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              • Lol ive done the raid legit on hard and normal on both my characters every week and ive haven't gotten any raid armor at all. All i need it gauntlets for my titan but i see everyone else with gauntlets as there first raid piece. I have never got a exotic out of a raid i see everyone getting one out of chest and last boss and even templar. I haven't gotten the chest piece either its really frustrating tbh. But i got advance warfare so bye destiny



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              • I have the same issue. I've done the raid at least 7 times if not more and have gotten 1 piece of raid armor across 2 characters. I've gotten every raid weapon multiple times, at least 5 chatterwhite's, the stupid space whale of a ship and enough ascendant shards to fill the god damn hellmouth, but no 1 piece of raid armor, on a character I don't use. -blam!-, at this point I'd be fine getting the legendary sparrow. The raid really needs to not be so random with the drops. Beating the Templar, should guarantee you a raid weapon, or the ship and beating Atheon should guarantee you raid armor, an exotic weapon, or the sparrow. And the RNG should be weighted against rewards you've already received.



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              • The raids rng is so terrible. I propose an actual endgame screen when u beat atheon. U get 1 garenteed random armor and one garenteed random weapon. Ill take those odd. It would help alot. But bungie wants u to suffer. I mean even if i get all the raid armor im still gonna play for guns. Bungie we wont just quit raids cause were 30 if thats what ur afraid of. The raw amount of marks and possible weapons would keep me going. Fav this thread cause bungie gotta know the feelz.



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