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6/17/2014 12:06:04 PM

Peter Dinklage's Voice Acting is...

Well done for a robot companion!


Horrible because he's supposed to be human!


I couldn't care less, doesn't bother me.


... Is amazing in my opinion! I'm shocked how many people think he does a bad job. Bungie have ears and good judgement too, do you really think that Peter Dinklage isn't trying? Your Ghost is, after all, a smart AI the size of your fist. Did you expect him to sound like he is off GoT? A medieval nobleman? Well I guess you're wrong. Your Ghost is a [i]robot[/i] companion, not your personal movie star. Peter Dinklage's voice acting wasn't chosen by himself, he was told to use that voice, on the idea of an immersive robotic companion. Ever watched Star Wars? Did you complain that C3PO (R2D2's companion) had bad voice acting? No? Then I don't see how Peter Dinklage's is any different. If you really wish, comment what voice actor you would prefer for your Ghost.



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  • I loved the voice acting, and I love Ghost! I feel bad for those that don't, it would've made the campaign much less enjoyable. I found him very companionable; robotic but still very expressive in the small intonations. You're right about the C3P0 thing! No-one complained about the voice acting of Legion from Mass Effect! I think it's just because it's Peter Dinklage, and people were expecting Tyrion Lannister but were disappointed.



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