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由ByronBasilisk編輯: 10/15/2014 2:39:03 AM

The Medical Examiner

"Your name is Gin, you have been with the Vanguard for four years, and you are a Hunter. Is that correct?" Asked the scrawny female EXO with orange eyes and silver plating who wore a Vanguard medical examiner uniform. "Yes, but more specifically I am a bladedancer. Now why exactly am I here?" Sighed a dark blue muscly male Awoken with a white ponytail. "Yes, a bladedancer," commented the EXO as she pondered the response. "Were you hunting down Fallen in the Cosmodrome last night?" "That is my usual stomping ground," grumbled Gin impatiently as he dropped his face into his hand, "but you still haven't answered my question. What in the name of the traveler am I doing here?" "All in good time Gin," piped the EXO as she displayed a file on her wrist and looked down at it. "According to eye witnesses and members of your fireteam you were hunting in several different areas of the Cosmodrome last night. They also claim that you said some rather disturbing things." "Stop shooting around the Dregg and just get to it!" Snapped the Awoken as he stood up abruptly. He was frustrated with this entire situation. The EXO remained calm and looked up at him unaffected by his outburst. "If you would please sit down," she ordered in a stern and yet calm voice. "You were asked to come in here for a routine examination. Kindly respect that your superiors want you in here and let me do my job." Gin sneered at her, and crossed his arms as he plopped down into the chair. "Fine," he mocked, "let's get this moving, BOSS." The EXO straightened up and leaned forward in her chair towards the Awoken. "Have it your way Gin I will dive right into it," she explained. "Your superiors think you are a potential threat to your fellow Guardians. They brought you here so that I could determine if you were or not. So it is in your best interest to cooperate fully." "What!" Exclaimed Gin as he slammed his fists into the arms of the chair. "That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard! What kind of idiotic Warlock mysticism is this?" "Whether you care or not is irrelevant," explained the EXO as she held out an upward palm towards Gin. "Your superiors deemed it necessary that I okay you for continued duty." Before Gin could interrupt the EXO raised her voice slightly and declared, "Just so we are clear. I have the power to decide whether you will be allowed to continue fighting the darkness or are forced to stay within the confines of the city." Gin was furious and glared at her, but he did not say anything. He thought this was the most idiotic thing ever, but he believed her. He would play along if it meant he would not be stopped from hunting the enemies of the Traveler. "That is much better," smirked the EXO as she leaned back in her chair. "Now back to where we were earlier, you were reportedly talking about how pointless the constant fighting seemed along with several other dark things." "And?" Blurted Gin sarcastically as he twirled his hand around. "Well," the EXO moved her hands as she tried to choose her words carefully. "What you said unnerved the other Guardians. That is why they left your fireteam, and why others avoided you entirely. They did not feel safe around you, and were not sure if you were going to attack the Fallen or them." Gin's anger was replaced with surprise. "I don't understand," he remarked as he leaned back and tried to comprehend what she was telling him. "It is complicated," explained the EXO. "I believe that you suffer from depression. Perhaps it is brought on by your fear of not making any difference in the seemingly endless waves of enemies. With the right medication and therapy several times a week, I believe we could bring this to a manageable point in just a few months." "Why would being depressed make me attack anyone?" Implored Gin. "It still doesn't make any sense." "It is just that people with mental illness are known for irrationality and outbursts." Answered the EXO calmly. Gin was dumbstruck. "No offense, but that sounds ridiculous. So what if I have issues and don't see a way out of this never ending fight some times?" He scoffed. "How does that make me more likely to hurt someone?" "People with your condition are more prone to violent outbursts when put under stress. People just never know when someone with your issues will break in combat situations, and end up hurting their own team," continued the EXO. "I just don't know if you are still capable of active duty without proper treatment." Gin had enough. He stood up amidst her protests and shook his head. "I may have bouts with depression, but you're the crazy one." He pulled his hood over his face and headed for the door. At the threshold he turned back towards her and added, "No matter who it is, you have to trust them not to do something crazy. You can't just assume they won't act out. For example, I would never attack another Guardian outside of the crucible, but, like I said, you'll just have to take my word for it; because until I do hurt someone I still could." The EXO stood up and threatened, "If you walk out that door without discussing and following through on a treatment plan. Then I will have to recommend that you are removed from active duty." "You can recommend whatever you want," teased Gin the Awoken hunter with a smirk. "But you'll have to kill me to stop me from fighting the darkness with my ghost." Then he proudly walked out of the room, and headed back towards the ship yard to grab his ship before he was completely grounded.



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