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10/14/2014 7:03:57 AM

Atheon Checkpoint. THE REAL PROBLEM!

[quote]Full group looking for hard mode last boss save experienced group[/quote] THIS IS THE REAL PROBLEM BUNGIE! Not people sitting on the sniper rocks. That's strategy. Sharing a Checkpoint on HARD to get a chance at the end game content is the real problem! Stop listening to the players who will abandon this game in a month when COD comes out. Instead, Listen to the players with over 200 hours logged on this game. Listen to the players that spent hours beating the VOG on hard and deserved what every the Random drop decided to give them. Simple and easy fix, you CAN NOT Get any of the Atheon drops as it is now, unless you finish the prior 3 checkpoints. If Atheon is the 1st and only checkpoint they clear... Award them with Shards! 95% of the players who have the "epic raider" achievement haven't even beaten the whole raid. Bungie listen to the dedicated players! I have sat back and kept my mouth shut but this latest update proves you care only about Casual Gamers. It proves you don't listen to the real problems with your game. Anyone who's beat the VOG on hard and has gotten the Vex or the Helmets or anything for that matter will agree... People who beat it like this will be the ones crying about this. The vex didn't need a nerf. The checkpoint exploiting needed fixed.... But it won't matter because you refuse to Listen to us.



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  • I generally don't care if they push him off but the closest checkpoint to atheon should be right after the gorgon's maze



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  • I agree with all of this, save the Vex needing a nerf. It did. Thing was so incredibly unbalanced in PvP.



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  • 由SkIllSKlllS編輯: 10/15/2014 3:54:06 AM
    I agree with this post. Remove the Atheon check point completely. On hard wipes check points should still remain, but once in orbit, check points should start from the gate keeper boss. OR simply fix the exploits. I'm good with either.



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    • I don't even think the check point is the problem. It's the cheesing. Once people can't go in and beat him in 30 seconds with zero to minimal effort I think this will slow down or stop entirely. Now that he can't be pushed off the edge you now have to actually know the fight and have the skill to beat it. In that case I think it's ok to use a check point. Sure you're skipping the rest of the raid but if your group has the skill to clear atheon then you can most likely clear the rest of the raid. Having someone with a check point will just be a fast forward.



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    • Did the whole Raid on hard twice. Got the effing ship and the bike. The Atheon glitch is starting to look pretty good right now...



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      5 回覆
      • You know what really is ruining this game, people like you who are constantly complaining and crying wanting things nerfed or changed. Play the game and stfu for once. Your like the nosy neighbor who is always in someone's business.



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        • Stop crying you babies I did the check and bam beat big deal hahaha don't fix it bottom line hahahah



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        • I completely agree with OP. The whole checkpoint sharing is ruining the game. I've witness level 27's with end game content that have yet to even finish normal difficulty.



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          • I agree with you.



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            • Hey look a little b-i-t-c-h whining again who is gonna mess it up for everyone over something that only some idiot like you can complain about...congrats



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              6 回覆
              • I know a guy who got the vex by just being dead on the team while the others pushed atheon. Lucky b@stard



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              • I haven't seen a vex mythoclast in crucible or iron banner ever so idefk what u guys are talking bout they still are pretty rare



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                • Sitting on sniper rocks is definitely strategy, I won't argue with that. Plain and simple, they didn't expect it to be so easy. At least in my opinion. Actually completing all stages of The Templar on hard without using the sniper platforms is a very, very, difficult task. Which is how I believe it was meant to be played. Not an hour run through to get the best gear in the game.



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                • Alright, well consider this: Six guys do the raid on hardmode. Three get shards, one gets boots, one gets the helmet that you've mentioned, and one gets the Vex Mythoclast. All of the guys who got equipment drops are about the same skill level, with their earned equipment completely leveled, and they enter the Crucible. Rumble, actually. Please tell me this: Who has the distinct advantage? One got that helmet you mentioned--that should be easily balanced against the Mythoclast, right? One got those super cool boots; he should be good to go against the Vex, right? No. You know that. That is a clear example of imbalancing, considering they both did the content and were supposedly rewarded. The question is, which of them should have the clear advantage in Crucible? The answer is none. They did PvE content; there is no reason why they should hold such an advantage in PvP. In terms of PvE though, yes, I believe the Mythoclast SHOULD be capable of incredible feats. That is why you did it, not to obliterate other players, by a rather large margin.



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                  9 回覆
                  • Agree 100%. Go to destinylfg and you can see a whole bunch of level 27 Warlocks offering to push Atheon off on hard. Does it really take that long to come up with a temporary patch? This really is embarrassing for Bungie. The sales figures for September are coming in and I'm pretty sure it's not looking good partly due to all the negative spin and rightly so.



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                  • We busted our ass to beat that hardcore raid. Then that retard posted that video pushing Atheon off the ledge and every newb and his mother beat it and got a mythoclast. It's those same idiots that finally beat it the cheap way who spent all that time crying about the gun being op.



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                  • +1 for this post. But i got to say i belong to the 95% of the people who get the achievment like that.



                    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

                  • [quote][quote]Full group looking for hard mode last boss save experienced group[/quote] THIS IS THE REAL PROBLEM BUNGIE! Not people sitting on the sniper rocks. That's strategy. Sharing a Checkpoint on HARD to get a chance at the end game content is the real problem! Stop listening to the players who will abandon this game in a month when COD comes out. Instead, Listen to the players with over 200 hours logged on this game. Listen to the players that spent hours beating the VOG on hard and deserved what every the Random drop decided to give them. Simple and easy fix, you CAN NOT Get any of the Atheon drops as it is now, unless you finish the prior 3 checkpoints. If Atheon is the 1st and only checkpoint they clear... Award them with Shards! 95% of the players who have the "epic raider" achievement haven't even beaten the whole raid. Bungie listen to the dedicated players! I have sat back and kept my mouth shut but this latest update proves you care only about Casual Gamers. It proves you don't listen to the real problems with your game. Anyone who's beat the VOG on hard and has gotten the Vex or the Helmets or anything for that matter will agree... People who beat it like this will be the ones crying about this. The vex didn't need a nerf. The checkpoint exploiting needed fixed.... But it won't matter because you refuse to Listen to us.[/quote] Actually the vex was indeed very overwhelming, it's stats indicate since it shares the similarities between an auto and fusion rifle without the drawbacks.



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                  • The way you propose it anyone who has a person drop out will never get anyone to help them. Or if the team got to that point and only four make it back they have to get two people to come in for something that will likely take hours and they can only get shards. It will never happen. Most importantly who cares? Does it really hurt you that people came in to help someone finish their game and got some gear?



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                    5 回覆
                    • They nerfed the reason why people are doing that this they'll eventually stop doing it



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                      • Bump



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