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由Kenkukun編輯: 9/29/2014 6:35:25 PM

Ideas and stuff.

Edit: This topic actually is funny if you read it all lol. I re-read this and feel like i'm searching for the perfect game. and then Morgan Freeman says in my head "Arn't we all." With a smile on his face. He needs more movies! First and Foremost Bungie. I'm sorry I sound like I don't appreciate the game you made later in this post. If you actually get to read mine that is awesome. This is feedback from a gamer who has played many games like yourself. I have not made many games like yourself but that means I may be able to subjectively look at what you've done and give suggestions, ideas, and rants without saying to myself "We did it in previous games lets do it here." Or you've done something soo long that it's just normal for you to do it again. You promised a new expeirence and the new "Polish" is slowly wearing off. Again tell yourself you did a good job cause you did. Good Now read on. The Jade Bunny Emblem can be obtained from a Gold Chest which everyone can get. I now see it in a Vendor. Now for the assumption that anything found through luck in the world, mainly chest (non-golden), can just be bought given enough time. "Hey buddy where did you get that cool looking spaceship? From a chest on the moon!" 3 days later I see my spaceship in the store. How are we supposed to feel unique if anyone can get what you have if they just slip the old vendors some glimmer? Even if it's not me, I want someone to have that One in a Million chance speeder bike or spaceship. Also whats with all the spaceships looking the same with very slight alterations like the middle exhaust on spaceship A is top center while spaceship B's is bottom center. Guess I can't brag about my ship anymore or maybe I can say "Oh yea!? Well my ships nose has a point in case I need to uh... to hit a reset button on the back of this tottaly real space controller I seen floating around in orbit. Take that Friend with a round nosed ship!" I understand this is a Halo thing but can you make game modes in the Crucible permanent. It's not (no longer?) Clever. It's annoying that I want to play something that available only on the weekends 1 and 2 I get bounties for it throughout the week but can't complete it. With a limit of 5 bounties I can't be holding onto extras hoping this is the weekend the mode comes back. I've said it before and i'll keep saying it till i'm banned or something. Make Aim Assist an option! People who have it on can get lobbies with other people who have it on while those who have it off player with each other. Perhaps the peoples can blend together it doesn't matter turn the crap off. It's been garbage since the conecpts existence and will continue to be garbage long after your game is dust. But with smart changes we will look back on this dust with fond memories if not in our taste buds but in our minds. ( I like that last line :D ) For the love of god stop making me pick up greens. Please put an option in for me to A) Not pick up greens B) Stop getting greens after level 18 C) Auto break down any green I walk near. I'd rather leave heavy ammo, orbs of light, blue engrams with a legendary engram in the middle surrounded by greens than pick them all up and start dismantling them. Okay so I might get the legendary but i'm hopping over as many greens first to get it! Did I mention Aim Assist? Get rid of it. Destiny card game! Every game at the top of my list has a cool in game card game, Final Fantasy VIII, Rage, Digimon World 3, etc. It would be cool to maybe have useable Grimoire Cards and MAYBE even play this game with friends in there SPACESHIPS! On that note I'd like to be able to find and fly Frigates! DO NOT MAKE TRADING A THING! For all that's good with your game, which as the days drag by i'm getting bored and the only thing keeping me playing is beating the crap out of the raid, but if the thought crossed your mind then you need to pull out that piece of your brain and burn it. You ever cloned (Duplicated) an item in a game. Looking at you borderlands and others -.- It ruins the game for fans that will be here long after those lazy duppers move on. Also it would ruin the game on other levels besides me wanting others to put time into their game rather then 1 hardcore friend shelling out crap to his other friends cause he plays like 500 hours a week. (Don't ask me where he gets the extra 332 hours from i'm just saying) Why is Aim Assist still a thing? You say you read feedback and forums. I believe you. It doesn't make me feel any less ignored though. I understand there are a lot of topics out there and the chances of you reading mine is... I don't even know. Maybe you could respond to them and if you DO then have it marked with a special emblem or sign or digital stamp card that people will see and be like OMG they read and MAYBE even replied to this topic. Not come out weeks later with a politically correct sentence Like "After reading feedback we have made changes that (many) will be happy to see" And then the forums are like "We did a search and there are no topics for what you're implementing (or about to) implement" and then Mr. Bungie is like "Dammit Dave! Now we have to fabricate a topic and set a time stamp in the past!" I'm on to you Mr. Bungie Now to get tricky hear. So I will ramble a bit. Let's see how many words I need to make the sentence go over. almost there. Alright. Anyone who has read this whole thing and actually comments should put #AimAssist. Then we will know who has read it or not. I know it's long but you are almost done. Oh well if you don't Hashtag it. People reacted to Peter Dinklage and his poor voice over in the Alpha. You said that it'd chacnge. I was in the Alpha. I don't think it change. There is 1 line ONE line in the whole story that he says with a decent amount of emotion. It was a 3 word sentence. You remember which one it was? Me either. That's how memorable the story was. I'm still not sure what was going on with the story.. Seriously though did you twist his leg to read or something? Was he sighing with annoyance saying "Fine i'll read your script but only if you hand me my crossbow go sit on that oddly shaped chair with a whole in the seat and put an apple on your head and then read the que card "She is a wh...." Morgan Freeman could've sleep talked his way through it and got an Award for having the most alluring and peaceful snore ever! I could've sworn I was aiming at dudes head but Aim Assist says I was aiming at the beetle it thought it seen on the ground cause someone jumped down in front of my gun and I started to follow the players feet to the ground. Will Aim Assist's terror never end! OH The Horror! I haven't been following the rampage behind the DLC stuff that recently hit the the internet recently. I try not to make a decision until dlc hits but it's sounding like the season pass is something i'll probably be "Passing" on. This isn't Halo don't treat it as such. New multiplayer maps won't cut it. I'm lumping strikes into the category too cause two new strikes, even Ten new strikes, wouldn't be any less boring. I need new planets, new areas on current planets, skills, sub classes, races, something along those lines. I know some of you are like go play an mmo if you want that. They don't need all that and certainly not right now BUT they do need some of it and soon. Or i'm calling this game borderlands in Destiny's clothing. You claim a 10 year game but with only new strikes, raids, crucible maps, and lame Event Bounties (Yes I slighted the Queen) your ten year plan may end up in a trash can (Couldn't resist the rhyme.



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  • A very well thought response to an epic but overhyped game. Even though Ken's comments are well founded, I still love to play the game however we definitely need new planets, a saturn or a jupiter would give every destiny fan hope again and with the dlc coming out., I am more excited about the reef...with more strikes on the same planet not so much. Aim assist sux especially in crucible, but you had it in halo so maybe just make it an option to exclude it somehow would make a big difference. That said, I am still loving the destiny experience but I am definitely ready for new content so we will see I guess. You do have a good track record so I am counting on that for now. Also making hte cryptograms the same color as your loot, which should have been done in the first place, is a step in the right direction, and that gives me hope.



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