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9/23/2014 7:05:09 PM

I found 2 glitches

Well i found 2 new glitches i don't know if they are known or not but here we go first one with the master rahool the cryptarch, when i buy some class engrams(no matter the class because i'm levelling the three at the same time) it always gives me back the same class armor For example: today i bought three engrams in three different times, it returned always the same result... the cloak of ragged fortune, same for my warlock and the waking dreams bond second one there's a glitch with the AI on the cosmodrome, near the crashed ship when you start the second mission, there is a tree near a wall of a house, if you stay between the tree and the "house" where you have to go after scanning the ship, the AI which is "patrolling" that ship will see you and aim at you but it won't move or attack at all, letting you have easy headshots



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