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由Joeyoungfitz編輯: 9/22/2014 4:50:19 AM

Ways to make PVP a lot better

The crucible is fun to play, but it needs a lot of work. Here's my list of things that needed to be changed/added to make the crucible better 1. Too much special ammo- Special weapons is important to the crucible, but there's too much of them. My shotgun holds a maximum if 22 shells and when I get one special ammo crate, I get 13 shells. So pretty much the whole time almost everyone is running around with shotguns and fusion rifles and one shorting everyone with them. What happen to your "primary weapon"? Here's how to fix this. Instead of getting like I mention above, 13 shells, make it more 3-4 shells. That way it will fix most of the complaints of the shotgun and fusion rifles spam and the constant buzz kills. 2. Fix the net code- The net code is just ok. It's not bad like BF4 and not good either. I don't get how the crucible plays out have bad net code. Constant times Me and my enemy killed each other at the same time and the delay kills. This is something that should be easy to fix. I'm sure Bungie will try to make it better later in the future, I hope. 3. Bad loot system- Many times I placed first and got rare stuff. I actually like some of the rare stuff they give me, but the 1st-3rd [b]Never get any legendary/exotic loot [/b]. But the guys in 5th and 6th get legendary loot. Bungie said it is a "random loot system". Not so much because it only rewards the legendaries/exotics to the lat place guys. I get why they make it like that, it is to give a reason for the people who do bad I come back, [b]but Bungie is forgetting the top scoring players.[/b] I feel like to get legendary loot, I need to do bad, but I just can't do horribly on purpose. Here's how to satisfy both sides. Everyone start off a base chance of getting legendary/exotic loot. But the higher you rank, the higher chance you should get legendary loot. Everyone will still have a chance to get legendary/exotic loot, but people be like "hey if I do really good, I will have a higher chance of getting awesome loot". This will encourage players to do good and carry their team to victory. What you guys think? Sorry if it is too long and remember these are only ideas and suggestions I came up with to benefit the game.



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  • fusion should be a 2 hit kill melee 2 hit kill shotgun 2 hit kill drops should be skill based not random to anyone but im not saying not to give bad players no loot because they force us to play the pvp no starting special ammo for second weapons make us pick it up less ammo from the box so there is a chance to run out. make the shilds even for all players time and time again im in a melee braw and im one hit by a lvl 6 and I got full legendry and exotic on and takes me 3 hits to kill same person. fix heavy weapons so they one hit kill like there sposed to do shoot this guy rocket to the face shield didn't even move land on his head with a melee again no shild movment he turns and 1 hits me real fair. fix the dancing bug were if you dance you can see around corners give the blink a energy trail so I know were he went after he blinked its not an invisabilty cloack remove the radar no skill in knowing were the bad guy is all the time remove aim assist from all weapons should be skill based not the computer aim the gun and I pulled the trigger start banning aim bots and mod users there easy to spot look for the kd over 5.0 no ones that good



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