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由CROCOVOLPE編輯: 9/18/2014 2:36:37 PM

I don't understand why people hate this game

Okay, I don't understand why people hate this game or say it has issues. I love this game. Never had any problems. I mean obviously there should be voice chat or something, but that's still not a big deal. Is everyone else just a troll or something? EDIT: voice chat: When I'm out exploring, voice chat would be a plus, but not needed. However, during matchmaking, or a strike or raid, voice chat should be mandatory.



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  • Well I like this game too but I had problems when Bungie sends me an error message that it forces me out the missionand I have to restart the hole damn thing again. And I wish that they would put smarter system to gain experience. Of course you have to kill the monster but if it's a headshot a double kill or triple kill... it could add a bonus like in a real Coop mode..



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  • I find very little wrong with this game. My biggest gripe is the loot system. I hate that I've only received 3 legendary drops, and then when I opened one it down graded to a rare. If the legendary drop is going to be that rare, it shouldn't also have a chance to downgrade. I also find the PvP to be off on some game types and great on others. Still love the game though.



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    • I don't dislike this game I just think it is tedious. The fact that I am prone to complaining is because Bungie need to know the issues people are having for them to fix them. My main issue with the game is we have but a minor piece of game that is supposed to be a full retail game and costs full retail prices but only has about $10 worth of content in it. The result of that is that the end game is totally boring and I have already lost motivation to even play the game. Bungie/Activision may have a long term plan but trying to sell us a game with such a small amount of content for full price isn't on. If they want to sell their game for full price there should be a full game there. If they then want to make the game last ten years they should make ten years worth of original content for it. Not spread the regular game as thinly as possible over ten years.



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    • It's no borderlands



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      • 由Lo Mein Beyond編輯: 9/18/2014 5:41:54 PM
        Because Haterade is cheaper than water. This game sure has issues just as every other game does. The choice is ours whether to enjoy it or hate it. At the end of the day, we all paid for this product and in my opinion, the people who enjoy this game for what it is have made a better investment than those who are so caught up in its flaws. I enjoy the game very much but also understand that it could use some polishing. I have no doubt that a capable company like Bungie will most certainly keep this game alive through patches, updates, events, and DLCs. Let the haters hate. Ain't a thing you can do to change people's attitude.



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      • 0
        I love his game. Best cooperative game I have played in years.



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        • most people that hate it are one or all of the following: 1. wii u owners 2. pve only players 3. pc owners 4. ass_hats



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        • The vocal minority seems so loud since the forums are around. I don't hate the game at all.



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        • That's cause we expected more from the story. I want to fly around in my ship and have battles in space. I want to go to the huge city shown just as a scenary. The story is bland and boring and pretty pointless of doing honestly. I dont care about buying the overpriced expansion pack for |£40. We paid for it we should get the entire game. I'm not wasting anymore money. You can enjoy it but I dont see how you can. I'm gonna wait for mass effect 4.



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        • 由CROCOVOLPE編輯: 9/18/2014 4:27:07 PM
          [url=]link[/url] Read, and think about it. A theory that we, the guardians are the darkness



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        • They don't. According to the Destiny Facebook page, the game logged 100 MILLION hours of gameplay in the first week. If the majority of the people hated it, those kinds of numbers wouldn't exist.



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        • I like it more as the mighty DEFIANCE which i've played for hundreds of hours on my 360.



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          • Wish i was as easily pleased as you after spending my money on something that is well under par of what we were told to expect. 90% of people complaining are not doing it because they are trolls or sad pathetic people who only play cod or bf...these are people who expected to get a captivating experience and so far didnt get it. Comments like that make each of you look like pricks and i always smile and "think what a dickhead" when i read those kind of responses. Facts are the story is....well...what story, grinding the same thing over and over is boring after doing it 10+times, too much empty space, no tactics to killing stuff (move out, shoot bad guy, hide behind something quick to reload or regen shield, poke out "oh the bad guy hasnt moved" bang hes dead (i expect much better AI for a next gen game), patrol missions are pointless and dont change. I would mention pvp but ive been shit at it so far i cant move without getting shot which im not used to so im not opening that can of worms. Where are all the other people in game apart from the tower one second a random person is there next they are gone and i only ever see 4 people max in game with me. I dont feel my customisation is unique or even stands out enough against others either. Its not a mmorpgfpsshit its a omfps (online mulitplayer first person shooter) ive played mmos on my phone that were more interesting story wise and they dont have a fraction of the budget they did for this. Good points Amazing graphics Gameplay is good but could be better with smarter AI (slight contradiction of my above comment) Strikes are fun You can dance Im still a higher lvl than my mate who loves every aspect of this game and has no complaints at all! (Another easily pleased person) Its not dead in the water yet for me as i wana play the raids but i cant see it lasting past xmas.



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            14 回覆
            • Where's the "rich cinematic story"



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              32 回覆
              • The gameplay is awesome, the story is shit...too many things that make this game seem incomplete aside from the gameplay itself.



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                • Voice chat isn't a big deal? Why did casuals have to ruin gaming forever, why god?



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                  • 90% of those crying and whining don't even play the game. The PC elitist and cod/bf fanbois have started this awkward crusade to destroy a video game they don't play. Misery loves company and those who waste their life bashing a video game they don't play must be about as miserable of a person as one could be..



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                    • My husband had this game preordered and he was excited to get it and in my head I thought it was just another game of his like halo or cod just a game type I don't play. So I went with him to the release and we came home and I watched him play till 4:30am so the next day I said I would give it a shot. Well I became totally addicted and love every minute of this game! I can't put the controller down! My wifely duties have been slacking because of this game and we are both a OK with that! I think people read too much into the game and got their expectations up and were disappointed with the result. Well suck it up butter cup and let us who enjoy it actually have fun and quit your whining! Destiny rules!!!!



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                    • Just a bunch of trolls imo... The game is awesome. The storyline has yet to play out, and your in the very first chapters. Tons of stuff to keep me bizzy. Waiting breathlessly to see what they rollout in the next year's DLCs



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                    • Some people expected more. I'm having loads of fun with it though. But yeah..long story short: that you like something does not mean someone else can't like it.



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                    • I agree I went into this without expectations or hype and it's been the best game I've played on ps4 so far. I think people expected way too much so they're disappointed.



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                      • It's fine for people to dislike it. I just don't understand why they have to stick around and complain constantly. Don't like it? Cool, move on. Stop trying to imitate <insert angry gimmick reviewer name here>.



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