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由BigBrice編輯: 9/10/2014 11:03:08 PM

Scout rifles...useless?

I noticed that the scout rifle seems to do pretty much exactly the same damage as the auto rifle, per shot, in th same level range. To me, this seems like it completely eliminates the point of having a single shot, low mag size rifle. The scout rifle should be doing more damage than an auto, because of the fact it has a smaller mag and way slower ROF. In the current game, scout rifles are junk. Just a small buff to their damage would make them a much more viable weapon, and give a reason to choose one over an auto rifle. Please buff them. Just a little.



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  • 由a potato編輯: 9/11/2014 1:03:45 AM
    I absolutely agree. The scout rifles were an excellent baseline for semi-auto weapons in the beta. In theory they were as powerful as AR's, in practice it was counter-balanced by the fact simple weaving would cause a 30-40% miss rate due to semi-auto. I was VERY surprised to see a massive nerf to them at launch. (not only was the impact nerfed, the 80 impact scouts that were the only useful ones had their impact HALVED) While they're not as dinky as hand-cannons were in beta, they're still lacking punch to compensate for their semi-auto state. The worst part is the way this impacts PVE strike balance. They completely filled that gate hacking portion of Devil's Lair with these guys who perch in nests with fusion rifles and utterly NAIL YOU for 80% of your hp from across the map. The scout rifles were the fastest way to deal with them, now they're useless for that purpose and it makes that area 5x harder. As an aside, I'm liking the new hand cannon... they finally pack a punch that makes their small mag size and low fire rate worth it. I just hope Bungie doesn't cater to n00bs who let someone with an HC aim a head shot and nerf it back to uselessness.



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