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9/2/2014 3:17:27 AM

Superhero RPFG (Roleplay Forum Game)

Title says it all. Pick a superpower or combination of related superpowers, a name, type, and describe what you look like and any gear you might have. You can be a hero, a villain, or an anti hero. Its mostly a sandbox game; you decide what you do and how it defines you. Example: Prometheus Hero Type: Titan Power(s): Physical godhood; Tier 3 super strength, Tier 3 regeneration, Tier 2 reflexes and speed, longevity Apparel : Kevlar body suit with some sections having Vibranium plating and helmet Miscellaneous: Is a Titan; those who's bodies were altered by the radiation of a special form of energy. Plasmeteus Villain Type: Titan Power(s) Mastery and control over energy, Tier 2 regeneration, Tier 2 super strength, Tier 1 reflexes and speed, reduced aging Apparel: Average clothing with dark brown trenchcoat Miscellaneous: Is a Titan; those who's bodies were altered by the radiation of a special form of energy. He allowed his newfound powers to control him and unhinge him mentally, because of this he developed a god complex and suffers from insanity The Tier system is meant to allow for a better understanding of each individual's character. Tier 1 Regeneration would be, say, Spiderman level, Tier 2 would be Captain America level, and Tier 3 would be Deadpool, Hulk, and Superman level. You get one hero. Omnipotence is banned Reality altering/rewriting is banned.



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